Running the line Sunday

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Have I touched a nerve :)

I’m just being honest I became a referee because I thought I could do a better job than the local ref’s who have been in the same leagues ref’n at the same level ever since I can remember none of them have climbed the ladder & it’s been 10yrs + that I’ve played in this league yet still the same old ref’s (the ref in the middle today referred me as a player years ago, we had plenty of run ins, now I’m going to assist him, should be interesting) now although my respect for them has risen & I’ve now got there backs one of my motivations for becoming a referee still hasn’t changed & that motivation was for how bad a lot of them are.

And you mention referee appointments from local leagues etc you just said it yourself you’d tell a ref to go jump, come on we all know it’s like FIFA it’s who you know and if your face fits, it’s like that all the way upto Mr Riley who sits there and cherry picks his favourites, ex professional referees are worse than an old women arguing down at bingo, I’m always hearing them on the radio back stabbing each other, it’s embarrassing.

The way you’ve described being a Lino there sounds like an elite experienced AR, I’ve had no training on being a Lino, I can do the basics but as far as flagging for fouls in my part of the pitch I don’t know when to signal I don’t want to tread on the referees toes everytime I see a foul, if it’s such an important part of progression then why don’t refs have to take a Lino course or Worksop for a few hours Atleast, it’s just a chore that nobody really wants to do let’s be fair.

Anyway I’m doing it, I’m just honest what’s the point of me coming on here and nodding my head and pretending I’m looking forward to today, I’m not above it I just don’t want to do it, not sure what part of that you don’t understand.

I appreciate your extended response by the way, thanks for taking the time to write it, if I hand on heart be totally honest I think part of my problem or infact a big part of my problem is it was hard enough going from player to ref going from one of the lads banter etc to then being alone and the man in the middle having to try to earn respect a different way to what it used to be, my feet have always done the talking and people respected that now I’m up against it & feel that refs are looked down on by players, I had a player yesterday pipe up so I put him in his place for him to turn around and say that’s why I’m the player and your the refere it’s because you can’t play football that’s why you’ve settled for second best, now that’s exactly the attitude some players have I can deal with it because I’ve got the whistle I’m in the middle and ill give it back just as much BUT when the Lino appointment came through I just thougt ffs really!!

Nobody on the planet outside of officiating respects lino’s they have it worse than referees, in all honesty I think we should have robotic Lino guns on a track moving up and down the sidelines giiving 100% correct offside calls everytime, because who in there right mind wants to do a job where they are seen as a the little man on the line with a flag getting his only duty (offside) wrong all game that’s how players and fans see it, I had a fella yesterday two mins into the game confront the Lino I just thougt ffs that’s me tomoz and I won’t even be able to give it back to him.

Anyway must dash got game to line.

Good luck, let us know how you get on. Your first time running the line can be as bad as your first time in the middle, especially if it’s a semi final, it should be more competitive than perhaps a normal league match might be.

As for other refs not moving anywhere in 10 years.

Depending on the age of the referee how do you know they haven’t been higher and come back down?

There are a couple of refs loca to me who have been around for years on the local Sunday league, but had been higher working on the Isthmian and/or conference back in the day, before ending up back at level 5
A&H International
The way you’ve described being a Lino there sounds like an elite experienced AR, I’ve had no training on being a Lino, I can do the basics but as far as flagging for fouls in my part of the pitch I don’t know when to signal I don’t want to tread on the referees toes everytime I see a foul, if it’s such an important part of progression then why don’t refs have to take a Lino course or Worksop for a few hours Atleast, it’s just a chore that nobody really wants to do let’s be fair.

It's really not just elite AR's that need to be doing all that. Any half competent AR at grassroots should be doing all that. Most of all that is the finer stuff of being an AR, but it is all part of the job. The better ones just do it all more effectively, more seamlessly.

Learning how and when to foul is a tricky one. I would suggest to start with the really blatant ones that you know the ref is going to blow for anyway - the ones right in front of you, that is. That gets you comfortable with the idea.

Essentially, the further away from you the incident is, the less likely you should have an input. Anything that's out of your third of the field, you probably shouldn't have an input unless the referee is actually looking for your opinion (this is one reason why eye contact is so important). Of course if it's behind his back, then doesn't matter where it is. It gets a bit trickier when it's right in front of you. First glance to the referee - if you think he's had a really clear view of it, then maybe let him have it. If you have a clear view, it's in front of you and the ref may not have a clear view and he hasn't yelled 'no!!', then it's all yours. But also, try to make sure you're only calling the fouls THAT referee is calling. Every ref is different!

Anyway I’m doing it, I’m just honest what’s the point of me coming on here and nodding my head and pretending I’m looking forward to today, I’m not above it I just don’t want to do it, not sure what part of that you don’t understand.
So change your perspective. Look to the benefits. Having that line is actually a really great opportunity for yourself and you're really fortunate to have that one - not just being a semi, but having that learning opportunity from the others there.
You might have a final instead ;)

Ah, no. The assignments were given out a few weeks back. Some very experienced local hands, including I think, a lad who has just been assigned to the (national) development list for AR.

It's only my first season here though, so I was never really in contention. :) I am officiating league games when the cup is taking place due to the backlog, but if they get called off I think I'll go and watch/support them as they're playing on 3G. Always like to watch the referees and see if I can learn something from them. :D

But hey, fingers crossed I'll get some cup semi's or finals in the future. :D
I suspected you were a troll when I read the first and subsequent posts, especially where you began to appear to retract and re-think your original statements. Now I'm certain you're a troll. Thanks for coming.

Yep I’ve got nuffin better to do with my time than wind people up on a refereeing forum!
This is my first season without any finals, but as I’ve been out for the majority of it with injuries it’s not really surprising.

Although I did get a quarter final, and should have had a title decider but that got snowed off.

I love running the line
This is my first season without any finals, but as I’ve been out for the majority of it with injuries it’s not really surprising.

Although I did get a quarter final, and should have had a title decider but that got snowed off.

I love running the line

I hated it, it was everything I thought it’d be if not worse, real shame it’s part of the development and process of being a referee.

I felt detached from any decision making I felt like a spare part to the game, my mouth was shut for 90mins very little if not zero interaction with anyone, first time I’ve ever clock watched waiting for HT & FT.

Unenjoyable didn’t pick up anything from the refere I dunno what that is all about “OH YOU’LL LEARN SO MUCH FROM THE MAN IN THE MIDDLE” it’s a great way of learning yeah right, all I did was either agree in my head or disagree with decisions he gave I didn’t learn anything or take anything out of the experience, your stuck to one half of the pitch and a touchline like a dog on a lead, how anyone can enjoy it is beyond me, oh and your earning half the money!

I hated it that much if you offered me to be a Lino in the World Cup Final I’d turn it down.
@Men in Black was there really nothing you took away from the game?

Try and think of one thing you'd take from the referee's or other AR's game that you'd like to try in your future games and then one thing they did you definitely want to avoid doing yourself.

I think that's the very least you should be coming away from that game with
@Men in Black was there really nothing you took away from the game?

Try and think of one thing you'd take from the referee's or other AR's game that you'd like to try in your future games and then one thing they did you definitely want to avoid doing yourself.

I think that's the very least you should be coming away from that game with

I would take more away from the game if I was a spectator, being on the line much of my time was taken with staying with the last man & concentrating on ball in & out, I can’t say I’ve taken anything out of it apart from I’ve got respect and disbelief that anyone would want to be a Lino in the first place.

Wow, that’s possibly the worst attitude I’ve ever heard from someone who claims to be a newly qualified referee.

I accept that running the line isn’t for every one, but someone who has done a grand total of what, 6/7 games saying they didn’t learn a single thing, strikes me as odd.

Either the referee you were working with was as new to refereeing as you, or, you spent the whole game in a sulk and didn’t even try to pick things up from the referee.

I hope you at least made an attempt to hide you bad attitude regarding running the line from your colleagues.

Wow, that’s possibly the worst attitude I’ve ever heard from someone who claims to be a newly qualified referee.

I accept that running the line isn’t for every one, but someone who has done a grand total of what, 6/7 games saying they didn’t learn a single thing, strikes me as odd.

Either the referee you were working with was as new to refereeing as you, or, you spent the whole game in a sulk and didn’t even try to pick things up from the referee.

I hope you at least made an attempt to hide you bad attitude regarding running the line from your colleagues.

No wind up I’m just honest, no sulk did it with a smile on my face gave off a positive and keen impression to all concerned, did the job learnt that it’s not quite as easy as I thought and felt that my concentration could have best used elsewhere rather than running up & down the touchline for 90mins.

A bad attitude would have been not to do it in the first place & turn it down, I did it & Didn’t enjoy it learnt zero not sure what else you want me to say.
No wind up I’m just honest, no sulk did it with a smile on my face gave off a positive and keen impression to all concerned, did the job learnt that it’s not quite as easy as I thought and felt that my concentration could have best used elsewhere rather than running up & down the touchline for 90mins.

A bad attitude would have been not to do it in the first place & turn it down, I did it and as I stated before hand I didn’t want to do it & learnt sweet fa.

Bad attitude. You obviously had no intention of even trying to learn something.

I wonder what your colleagues would say about your performance, and what they’ll report back to the League?
Bad attitude. You obviously had no intention of even trying to learn something.

I wonder what your colleagues would say about your performance, and what they’ll report back to the League?

Iike I said I was keen had a good rapour with both Lino and referee, I concentrated for 90 mins, had a good chat after the game but didn’t enjoy it & didnt learn anything about refereeing, i learnt a lot about being an AR but nothing else.

My attitude stinks I get that but I’m not gonna lie & sugar coat it, it was awful and boring.
I never entered any promotion scheme and wasn’t a natural Lino. Did a couple of games but it wasn’t for me! My talents were for the tough blood and guts Neanderthal Derbies. Games involving proper footballers were a breeze.