The Ref Stop

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  • M
    Martiju reacted to JamesL's post in the thread Ladies Bizarre with Like Like.
    Glasses guidance from the FA: In this article you will... Understand the advise for players wearing spectacles / goggles during a...
  • M
    Martiju reacted to Big Cat's post in the thread Wolves vs City with Love Love.
    Yeh, forgot about that bit of garbage I was subconsciously listening to the part of the interview I agreed with and didn't hear the...
  • G
    george.g reacted to Runner Ref's post in the thread Overlap podcast with HW with Like Like.
    It’s another case of they’re damned if they do and damned if they dont but getting one of the current SG referees on there. Some would...
  • G
    george.g reacted to ARF's post in the thread Overlap podcast with HW with Haha Haha.
    *entire footballing community constantly shining a spotlight on referees* ThE pRoBlEm WiTh ReFs Is ThEy MaKe it AlL aBoUt ThEmSeLvEs
  • R
    RustyRef replied to the thread Wolves vs City.
    I can potentially understand subconscious bias in the Premier League, where a referee might be refereeing at Old Trafford with Man Utd...
  • R
    Runner Ref reacted to ARF's post in the thread Overlap podcast with HW with Haha Haha.
    *entire footballing community constantly shining a spotlight on referees* ThE pRoBlEm WiTh ReFs Is ThEy MaKe it AlL aBoUt ThEmSeLvEs
  • JamesL
    JamesL reacted to FirsFox40's post in the thread Ladies Bizarre with Haha Haha.
    😊 Sounds like we have to 😏🕶️ Focus 😎
  • JamesL
    JamesL replied to the thread Ladies Bizarre.
    Someone always puts a different lens on it 🥷🏻
  • JamesL
    JamesL reacted to ARF's post in the thread Overlap podcast with HW with Haha Haha.
    *entire footballing community constantly shining a spotlight on referees* ThE pRoBlEm WiTh ReFs Is ThEy MaKe it AlL aBoUt ThEmSeLvEs
  • A
    ARF replied to the thread Overlap podcast with HW.
    *entire footballing community constantly shining a spotlight on referees* ThE pRoBlEm WiTh ReFs Is ThEy MaKe it AlL aBoUt ThEmSeLvEs
  • Big Cat
    Big Cat replied to the thread Wolves vs City.
    Yeh, forgot about that bit of garbage I was subconsciously listening to the part of the interview I agreed with and didn't hear the...
  • Big Cat
    Big Cat reacted to DavidObs's post in the thread Wolves vs City with Like Like.
    I I think the comments made by the Wolves manager are contradictory in the sense that he complained about the disallowed goal against...
  • R
    Runner Ref reacted to FirsFox40's post in the thread Wolves vs City with Haha Haha.
    40,000 football clubs in England and the “minnows” are the ones currently ranked in the top twenty. Must be a hard life, my heart bleeds.
  • FirsFox40
    FirsFox40 replied to the thread Wolves vs City.
    40,000 football clubs in England and the “minnows” are the ones currently ranked in the top twenty. Must be a hard life, my heart bleeds.
  • D
    DavidObs replied to the thread Wolves vs City.
    I I think the comments made by the Wolves manager are contradictory in the sense that he complained about the disallowed goal against...