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L'arbitre Blog - Week 14, 15 & 16
Slow stuff all-in-all for refereeing or at least I thought so. Week 14 Absolutely swamped in the early part with studying for back-to-back exams that I didn’t have any time to think about refereeing or football whatsoever then. At the end of Week 14, our team travelled away for friendly match in the big city. I travelled as the team manager along with them. It was an affair for a lot of behind-the-scenes organisation as the two game times had to be finalised and we had to search for a replacement keeper to keep the game on. One of my friends filled in there and I took him out for dinner as a thank you after the games. It was a full day’s commitment but a lot of fun and interesting to see our team put to the test with our first...
Hi all, I have started my own blog on refereeing, which is based on my refereeing journey, I would really appricitate it if any of your could regualry read it, give me any feedback and let your colleges know about it.
L'arbitre Blog - FIFA Letter & Freebies
I have a feeling this post will attract a lot of attention. Why you ask? The word FIFA in it of course! I’ve seen a lot of posts from referees around the world about getting stuff/equipment from FIFA and I always wondered how to do it so in a nutshell, here’s what I did to nail this scoop of items. Direct Approach This was trial and error because the first time certainly didn’t work. Simple as it was, I chatted with the referees who did get the equipment and they said it took a simple letter to the FIFA Refereeing Department. I drafted my own letter and sent it in but to my disappointment received a reply letter a few weeks later short of any satisfactory response. I would attach the response I got here but it was...
L'arbitre Blog - Referee Match Fitness
I was watching a FIFA Futuro DVD video on referee fitness and gazed in awe at one particular clip showing multiple back-to-back counter-attacks done by both teams on the field causing the referee to run at full tilt all around the pitch. The amount of running was noticeably exhaustive however, it really opened the eyes of those who didn’t notice right away. Having watched a recent friendly between Germany and Chile, I stumbled upon this clip early in the match under the management of Mark Clattenburg (ENG). Referee Match Fitness from larbitre on Vimeo. These are High Intensity runs and a muscle pull early in the match is all you need during one of these bursts to be out of commission. This video is a great example of the benefits...
L'arbitre Blog - Week 13 Weekend
It was hard not to look forward to these set of games and hard not to dread it. This was potentially the last set of games I would do for a very long time in both football and Futsal. Sometimes they merge together in my mind because I love officiating both. I was busy with a crazy upcoming week and a lot on my mind earlier on the day but the walk to the Futsal court from home does wonders to help clear my mind and get into game mode. The anticipation is always high for me for these games. I can feel the excitement walking up the steps to the facility. I turned the corner to the corridor with the gym entrance and saw both teams stretching and getting ready. They greeted me as I walked in. One of the perks is that everyone knows I...
L'arbitre Blog - Week 13
End of Week 12 brought a few difficult long-term decisions. I had the choice to make a decision that would help my referee career when looking at job opportunities but despite how much I love it, it isn’t a priority in that decision. It’s my favourite hobby but it’s just that; a hobby. Interesting to see how this will affect the long-run. I still have no clue what I’m doing during the main part of the season and if I will be missing the main part of it. Fitness Fitness test preparation has stalled. I haven’t run since… Well I can’t remember. I need to check my Garmin Connect. February 28th. Last month! Still refereeing but nothing that is maintaining or improving fitness. Hope this student lifestyle isn’t killing it all. I just...
L'arbitre Blog - Week 11 & 12
Week 11 has been the quietest of all weeks perhaps. Preparing to take another trip to Dubai, I phoned in to the Football Association’s Referee Department to ensure I completed my fitness test requirements prior to departing. Luckily I just had to delay my flight by just one day to accommodate the requirement. Feels so fancy saying this with flights and fitness tests and all. A lot of early mornings for team training as well. I’ve been observing a lot and taking photos to keep for the team. Definitely an interesting perspective to Futsal in coaching. More to come in the coming weeks and this is the only break I get from work at this point. A referee meeting on Week 11 Friday to discuss play-offs for the university Futsal league as...