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L'arbitre Blog - Week 24 Part 1
The week has barely started but I feel like I cannot possible talk about everything because what happened yesterday feels like eons ago. Practice Game I needed to prepare for my end of week game so I asked my mentor and a local assignor for a game. Any game as long as I could practice a few referee mechanics and shake off some field rust (if there is such a thing). It was a good decision because having been on the line for an extended period of time. I had to work a bit with my diagonal. It was a U18 Girls middle in a lower competition level. I wasn’t there to be a peacock referee but to do the game to the best of my ability and hopefully afford some practice. I started the first half off trying out my Blazza whistle. I was a little...
L'arbitre Blog - Week 23
A game with the same referee from Sunday but it was nice to be working a local game and a little more time to analyse his style. Following our discussion on the previous day, I made a general comment about not seeing referees smile enough on the pitch making it difficult to know if they are enjoying it. For most of this game, every collaborative decision with me was met with a verbal thank you/thumbs-up in addition to a beaming smile with all 32 teeth! I couldn’t help but burst out laughing in my head and visibly chuckling. I knew he was enjoying the game now. I struggled to mentally adapt to the foul threshold. I was not used to seeing players playing the game as physically on the day and over the games on the weekend. I went to seek...
L'arbitre Blog - Week 22 – Part 3
This part is almost exclusively for the weekend’s activities. Saturday I had a very interesting game on the Saturday. I had never officiated at this level before and it was a promising prospect. I had been fretting a bit about getting some business wear together because pre-game attire was a suit! I hadn’t worn one for years including a shirt. I’m so used to wearing t-shirts including at work because it just worked that way in my field of work. The closest I had got to was business casual for certain games. I ensured I had everything ready the night before so I could find it easily the next day and just in case I needed to borrow something last minute from someone. This photo isn’t great considering it’s on my wrinkly bed...
L'arbitre Blog - FIFA Laws of the Game 2014-2015
So in rather a completely unexpected but pleasant surprise, the new Laws of the Game is out today. Ordinarily it comes out on July 1st but they released it early in order for it to be in effect for the FIFA World Cup. The new Laws of the Game don’t take effect for any running competitions now ordinarily but would for any starting after today. Nice new shot of Bjorn Kuipers (NED) smiling. We don’t have too many of those cover photos. It will be interesting to see what games he gets this World Cup. Minor changes all in all pertaining to approval of headscarves and a stricter mandate on slogans on clothing. Here is the memo of changes which makes it easier to identify the precise changes...
L'arbitre Blog - Week 22 – Part 2
It has certainly been a very interesting week. The recovery days played well and I’ll need them again soon! Check out my Brazuca post. Plenty of assistant referee appointments. Generally that means I am able to officiate in a higher level of competition than I would ordinarily be able to referee in as a referee. It also gave me some good time to work on some improvement areas and give complete focus to it. AR and Ref appointments scattered and interleaved amongst each other make it difficult to focus on my own development and build a good habit routine. This week certainly helped and I used the wait-and-see technique more carefully, adjusted my signalling to be...
L'arbitre Blog - FIFA World Cup 2014 Referees
You’ll have to view this on YouTube but here are video interviews/profiles with each and every official in the 2014 FIFA World Cup (Team 33) that was just recently posted! I know I’m taking a tangent with my blog on the World Cup but there’s too much excitement so I may take a detour. Continue reading...
L'arbitre Blog - FIFA World Cup 2014 Build-up
It would be a lie to say nobody (that is outside a cave) has not heard of football, especially now. The World Cup fever and pre-tournament build-up is ON. The beautiful game in the host nation, Brazil. There couldn’t be a place more passionate about football than the Seleção’s own nation. A fantastic host of World Cup ads have been coming out. Check them out! FIFA has also created the participating nations’ profiles. See Brazil’s. This is the four year continuous reminder for every young referee why we are working so hard. New football stars will emerge and upsets in the making to behold. It’s hard to believe I was in Soccer City, Johannesburg only four years ago watching Howard Webb’s management of Netherlands-Spain final and...
L'arbitre Blog - Week 22 – Part 1
Cause & Effect Chart I’ve been employing a very strategic method of dealing with my areas for improvement in refereeing. Before the season started, I reviewed all of last year’s assessments and the collective feedback and constructed a two-column table. I noted the problems and removed the similarities, I had found a cause of potential issues in the game. I then classified it under the areas of the game it could affect in the seven areas below (could have multiple). Application of Law Positioning, Fitness & Work Rate Alertness & Awareness: Including Management of Stoppages Communication Teamwork Advantage Match Control This was very useful because I am able to reflect and see a direct correlation on the effect on a game and helps...
L'arbitre Blog - Sunday Week 21
This was a hectic day because from nothing to a very tiring day with two heavy games. Also imagine that. A post dedicated to just one day of football. Game #1 I initially had this designated as laundry day and I was worn out from the week from running around for errands or games with late nights and early mornings. My plan was to sleep in on Sunday and fully recover but I groggily woke up at 11am (I had planned to wake up later) to find a message of a scheduler looking for a referee in the adjacent district for a Mens league game. I quickly judged the situation; 80km trip, 4.5 hour commitment. I needed to rent a car for any hope to get to this. I did a quick financial feasibility check. I would still be in the green to go but 81% of...
L'arbitre Blog - Week 21
Refereeing is absolutely not a walk in the park (despite what my posts on the blog may lead you to believe). ;) There’s definitely some lost sleep over it and some recently. It has its ups and downs. Speaking of which, World Cup is edging closer than ever and the fever is slowly catching on. With squad lists being posted, Howard Webb looking more like Bane from the Batman in his tropical fitness training, all eyes are slowly turning to Brazil. Hang on folks because almost everyone (football-lovers or not) is turning their heads. I watched a bit of Futsal early in the week. A colleague was playing and another colleague refereeing the game so to watch a fixture from the league’s debut season, I went to watch. A nice escape and great to...