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L'arbitre Blog - Weekend of Week 50
I was up very late to start off the weekend. I’m not sure why but I ended up sleeping at 5am but I do remember tweeting some stuff. I set the alarm to 8am but woke up a few minutes before 9am realising I was very late! I jumped out of bed and got ready […] Continue reading...
L'arbitre Blog - Week 50
It has been a very long week. If I truly recapped on everything in one-go, I’d write enough for a few years’ worth and then just shut down this blog. As a result, I begin here with Part 1 which is the working week and try to keep it short. The week started off with […] Continue reading...
Two wonderful pictures in the latest Fifa Weekly. On the right: Marcelo begging for referee clemency with Dutch match official Björn Kuipers. The photo on the left shows a fan of the goalie Sepp Maier. The photo of Bjorn Kuipers is taken during the Champions League final of 2014. you Can read the Fifa Weekly… Continue reading...
L'arbitre Blog - Week 46’s Futsal Final
It’s hard to say goodbye sometimes. This was by no means an exception. My last game in the league I started only a year ago. I couldn’t help but be nervous. I had strategically looked at things I needed to work on from reflections on my Futsal officiating and wanted to ensure the little details […] Continue reading...
L'arbitre Blog - Week 49
Considering this was an exam week, there was not much here refereeing-related. I began discussing the possibility of launching an online store with a few people and looking into logistics. It was fun tinkering around but there was a lot more to come in the coming weeks and months; possibly more than I had initially […] Continue reading...
L'arbitre Blog - Week 36 Match Incident
An opponent is lingering in an offside position behind a defender. The ball is on the other side of the field and kicked forward. The defender runs into the other half to receive the ball and play it back in. Offside attacker gives chase. As an AR I’m waiting and seeing at this point, they […] Continue reading...
L'arbitre Blog - Week 48
A Refsworld package arrived on Wednesday and I was excited to receive it. It had a few requests from the RA AGM meeting less than a month ago so I could pass off the equipment to other refs before I left. Wednesday afternoon was running day this week. Jogging outside is a little more interesting […] Continue reading...