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L'arbitre Blog - Game #2 Part 2
Half-Time At half-time, I proceeded back to have a drink after the teams stepped off the field. I went to check on the away team attacker who was sitting on a bench in the shade holding his nose. His team and coach had gone off to the corner flag to have a tactical discussion. I […] Continue reading...
L'arbitre Blog - Game #2 Part 1
Well I never expected to be writing this post so early. Game #2 of the season usually arrives in the May-ish timeframe but this time, the football season starting so soon is an early Christmas (or whichever holiday you celebrate)! I had a late morning wake-up. What else? I’m on holiday. I ate a quick […] Continue reading...
Dutch Eredivisie referees are younger than 10 years ago. Nine of nineteen referees are under 33 years old. A decade ago only three out of twenty were that young. That’s what newspaper Volkskrant reports. “We got a group of referees with a lot of international experience plus young talented refs who can make progress”, says […] Continue reading...
Pedro Proenca retires from refereeing. The Portugese referee confirmed his retirement during a press conference in the headquarters of the Portuges Football Federation (FPF). “I announce today the end of my career”, he told several media. His international career started in 2003 and Pedro Proenca retires at the age of 44. Based on FPF stats: […] Continue reading...
L'arbitre Blog - Week 3
Since I won’t have too many games over the next few months (relative to a summer season), I’ve decided to reflect more closer on games I’ve had over the past two years here. Keep an eye out for those posts. It’s always a surprise on how much you can learn from a 90 minute experience. […] Continue reading...
L'arbitre Blog - 2015 – Game #1
The highlight of this week has been returning to my high school to officiate a football match. This is especially the case as I started refereeing there and it’s where my roots are. I started off with a late wake-up. I was up late watching Atleti play Barcelona in La Liga officiated by Undiano Mallenco. […] Continue reading...
L'arbitre Blog - 2014
I’ve been wanting to write this reflection post since September but promised to save it for the end of the year. My first year on the next level list of referees but so many things to learn from. Fitness I ran once a week in the off-season but it has made a massive impact in […] Continue reading...
L'arbitre Blog - Week 52, 1 & 2
Overall, it has been a slow three weeks (or two really). Happy New Year by the way! I had a short trip to the beach… and there has been an additional part of the football family that I haven’t been initiated with in playing or refereeing. I’ve played beach football but not with the weird […] Continue reading...
L'arbitre Blog - Week 51
I spent the better part of Monday travelling. It was rather bulky carrying my Winter jacket throughout the journey but I knew it would perhaps be for the last time so I put up with it not fitting into my carry-on baggage. Was great to see family again after eight months away and back in […] Continue reading...