A very strange decision


Staff member
This one is a bit of a shocker from tonight in the Europa Conference League. Bad enough that he goes yellow in the first place, but to then be told he has perhaps made a clear and obvious error and to go and have a look, only to decide he hasn't and stick with his original decision defies belief at any level. For a FIFA badged official it is astonishing.

A&H International
This one is a bit of a shocker from tonight in the Europa Conference League. Bad enough that he goes yellow in the first place, but to then be told he has perhaps made a clear and obvious error and to go and have a look, only to decide he hasn't and stick with his original decision defies belief at any level. For a FIFA badged official it is astonishing.

He won the ball, No?
Wow !
That type of challenge is one of the few that everyone in and around football always agrees on.
Short of knocking him out out with a straight right, it couldn't be more clear cut

I don't know what the welsh is for 'so we are all allowed one of those are we ?", but imagine if the game went that way
Said player was annoyed from the previous challenge so decided to go in 2 footed to hurst somebody.

That ref will be "disappearing" by COP today.

The advantage of VAR totally ignored for his ego.
Those who appoint in European games have and expect very high standards though there are times when it falls below that level - it is a cut throat business and therefore there is every possibility he may be rested!
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It's the clearest case of serious foul play you could ever be presented with.
I can just about make a case for not getting it right in real time, his view is slightly obscured, however, having had the chance to take a second look at the monitor I am struggling to see what rationale was used to justify not changing the decision to a red card
These early season qualifying games are threatened by 'spot betting'. This would not merit a mention if it was just an on-field mistake, but the VAR review is nothing short of incredible. No untoward accusation from me as that hypothesis is unlikely, but sometimes it's hard to make sense of something that makes no sense
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It's the clearest case of serious foul play you could ever be presented with.
I can just about make a case for not getting it right in real time, his view is slightly obscured, however, having had the chance to take a second look at the monitor I am struggling to see what rationale was used to justify not changing the decision to a red card
Reminds me of a tackle up at Torpoint a few years ago... 👀
Said player was annoyed from the previous challenge so decided to go in 2 footed to hurst somebody.

That ref will be "disappearing" by COP today.

The advantage of VAR totally ignored for his ego.
This goes into the category below 'major development' !! ( I think it's headed ' Take a trip to the Optician').
I think there's even a good case for this being violent conduct. In my opinion this is not a challenge for the ball, it's a assault.
I don't think there has ever been a decision that has been universally disagreed with such as this one, not just on here but all other refereeing forums and even with the uneducated public.

Pretty sure we won't see that referee on UEFA games again this season, if ever. I wanted to give him the benefit of the doubt that VAR showed him the wrong clips, but you can clearly see they showed him the right incident and the whole focus seemed to be on whether the ball was won or nor. Which for a tackle like that is absolutely irrelevant.
People will obviously know better than me.. but if I was the referee in that position.. part of my brief to my assistants would be in a situation like this.. get in my ear and don’t let me restart until we have got it right. Despite that fact he has VAR - I am surprised that no one has said this to him. ‘He jumped in and left the floor with two feet got to be a red’ maybe they didn’t have the best view…
I have no words. The ego to ignore your VAR is insane.

On a side note, I actually think had the blue player not decided to try and assassinate the other player with that ridiculously uncontrolled jump, he might have actually made the ball fairly anyway. Ludicrous.
If the VAR is anything like I've listened to in the EPL games, then surely they should be ending the chat with a clear decision and agreement.
Surely VAR should be saying "I don't think you're seeing this right. Have another look..."
How VAR has allowed him to walk away knowing he still has it wrong. So wrong. I get referees decision is final etc, but this is just plain stupid.
Can only put this down to some complete brainfuzz that happens when you’re so focused on one aspect when reviewing, that you miss the wider picture and context (for example, at full speed).
So you can see the monitor the referee is looking at and the replay we get shown are the same before it goes Fullscreen. So guessing VAR was being broadcast live.

I do think it is strange that they kept showing him it in slow-mo at the start over and over, but they go on to show real-time.

Absolutely terrible decision. I would love to see his justification.

Maybe it was to save face over his two dissent bookings.