The Ref Stop
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    • Q
      Quarryref reacted to JamesL's post in the thread Liverpool - Man City with Like Like.
      Agree. Wigan is, similar to where I am originally from, fairly equidistant between Manchester and Liverpool. Think this is a non-story...
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      Quarryref reacted to JamesL's post in the thread Defective Ball with Like Like.
      I was going to feedback via the reps at some point.
    • Q
      Quarryref replied to the thread Defective Ball.
      Agree - I just thought this month's was particularly poor on that score. I do think this needs sorting - it's not hard to pick...
    • Q
      Quarryref replied to the thread Defective Ball.
      Perhaps we can also then have a discussion about the frustrating number of questions in this month's crop that either have more than one...
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