The Ref Stop


  1. J

    European football/magazine survey

    Hi everyone. As part of a project at university, a group of us are creating a football magazine and we would like your opinion on it. The survey shouldn't take more than five minutes and I'd be extremely grateful if you could take the time to fill it out! It's an added bonus if you currently...
  2. D

    Vignette 8: The great decision

    Red Number Three slides across the halfway line, carving a rift through the icy layer atop the turf. The Blue centre midfielder topples spectacularly like a felled oak, crashing shoulder-first into the ground with a thud. Multiple, resonant cries of ‘Ref!’ flood Gallin’s ears, but as he winces...
  3. D

    Vignette 7: Crossing a different line

    Gallin blows on his whistle and straightens his arm out to the side to signal the direct free-kick. Red Number Six responds by throwing both arms in the air and spinning round to face the referee. ‘What the ****, ref?’ ‘What? I got that right, don’t you think?’ Gallin retorts with a pert smile...
  4. D

    Vignette 6: The insignificant mistake

    Blue Number Four scoops up the ball and wipes away the moisture in a makeshift pouch in front of his shirt whilst hastily scouting the pitch for an available and well-positioned teammate. Gallin blows again on his whistle. ‘Red throw. It’s red ball,’ he says with some conviction. The spectators...
  5. D

    Vignette 5: Crossing the white line

    Twenty-yards from the white line, Gallin snorts a shot of invigorating wintry-fresh air, reviving and stiffening his whole face and covering the walls of his lungs like a frost. He exhales rapidly through pursed lips. His stride becomes more deliberate, injected with a pronounced machismo; long...
  6. D

    Vignette 2: Butterflies

    A rectangular, brown road sign for Old Leaf Playing Fields looms large at the roadside. Gallin vigilantly pulls the car to the left, presses softly on the brake peddle and indicates to turn into the car park. The butterflies, which have occupied his stomach since the moment he woke, begin to...
  7. D

    Vignette 1: Fed, hydrated, suited ‘n’ booted

    Gallin holds a misted glass to his face, quaffing the last few mouthfuls of chilled water, all the while his eyes point upwards, fixed on the outsized, old-worldly clock hanging high above the kitchen door. Its large hand clunks gracelessly down to mark 12.27pm. Gallin places the glass down on...
  8. D

    Introductions and Instructions

    Dear members, We would like your help with a research project! We are researchers at Buckinghamshire New University (UK) and we have recently completed a series of interviews with male UK, non-league football referees about their experiences. We used the information from these interviews to...
  9. D

    Help needed for refereeing research

    Hello refereeing community. We are seeking your help in relation to an ongoing research project which is aiming to present a typical experience of being a male football referee. We hope that this research will help both neophyte and experienced referees better appreciate and understand the...