The Ref Stop

Introductions and Instructions

Dear members,
We would like your help with a research project!
We are researchers at Buckinghamshire New University (UK) and we have recently completed a series of interviews with male UK, non-league football referees about their experiences. We used the information from these interviews to construct a story of a typical day refereeing, which we have broken down into a number of vignettes or ‘scenes’.
As the next stage of our research, we are asking you to read these vignettes and provide a response in the form of a story of your own as a referee, player or spectator. We may share your stories in the form of academic papers or conference presentations in the future, but we do not ask you for any personal details and your anonymity will be maintained. Please share your response on the forum or private message us if you prefer.
When responding to our stories, you might consider the following:
o Do our stories resonate or remind you of a ‘real’ scenario that you have witnessed or been involved in? If so, please share the scenario with us in as much detail as possible.
o Do our stories reflect a problem or issue in football that you think needs to be addressed? If so, please tell us why it is an issue and what you might propose to resolve the issue.
o Conversely, do our stories reflect something that is good about the game – a reason for your continued passion and involvement? If so, please tell us about this.
o Reflecting on your own experiences, is there anything missing from our story that you think is important to highlight? If so, please share with us some of your experiences and interactions with referees, giving as much detail as possible.
We would also welcome more general feedback from the football community about the ‘realness’ of our stories.

Many thanks in advance for your help!

Ben Ives and Ben Clayton
The Ref Stop