The Ref Stop

LAw question non deliberate Hand ball


Well-Known Member
Level 5 Referee
Maximum participation please

A RED team defender is stood on his own goal line next to the goalkeeper, as a corner kick is taken by the BLUE team

A BLUE team attacker kicks the ball and it strikes the hand of the RED defender, which was by his side, denying the BLUE team a goal.

The RED defender's hand was in a natural position, did not make his body unnaturally bigger and he made no action towards the ball.

What does the referee do next?

A) Award a Penalty and show a red card to the RED defender.

B) Award a penalty and caution the RED defender.

C) Play on and take no action as no handball offence was committed.

D) Award a retake of the Corner Kick.
The Ref Stop
Is this a trap question? ☺️

EDIT: be warned. Trap questions don't get too much participation.
Ok I am going to take a stab at this by guessing where you are coming from.

The new laws have reference to "non-deliberate handball" for both DOGSO and DOG. My guess is you are referring to this. However every reference is also proceeded with the word "offence". By definition in law 12, a non-deliberate handling in own PA can only be an offence if in unnatural position bla bla which you have already ruled out. That makes C the only right answer.

I would have liked to see a more creative option D 😉
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In my grassroots game I'm most likely going C but the correct in law answer I believe is B. ;)
I got this question from a referee group I am in. I also asked this question on another group. The consesus was in both groups was B.

But I disagree and said C.

So interested seeing other opinions out there
I would go with C, although I don't know if it would be an easy sell on a Sunday morning.
I’d rather try and sell that I didn’t see it than go through the process of explaining why it’s a yellow and not a red! In all seriousness, I’d say B but on a Sunday morning I’d go C.
I’m delivering this on Sunday at a BRC, on the swotting up I’ve done I’m going C. Hope to see this confirmed at some point🫣
Not interested in any answer other than C.
I'll be brushing up on the book this next week, but answer B can only be a farcical semantics mistake in this year's rewrite of this scenario

It annoys me and it should annoy every single person in the game, that there's inference the answer is anything other than crystal clear
In no other respectable sport would CORE be justified by such stupid ambiguity
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There are 3 kinds of handball OFFENCES:

1 Deliberate. Hand comes to ball.
2 Non deliberate. Hand /arm needs to be in unnatural position for what player is doing
3 Accidental. All hand/arms to ball that lead to immediate goal.

The recent change in the Law merely said that type 2 offences should be punished with a yellow card rather than a red.

Since in the OP none of the three categories is present, then we just play on. No penalty, no card.