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      Pretty sure this is an exact scenario in IFAB sister’s “what if.” C
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      Bleedaggie reacted to Wolf_Ref's post in the thread Feint at a PK with Like Like.
      Not going to lie - I really want to see the stuttering run up abolished. I hate it.
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      Bleedaggie reacted to santa sangria's post in the thread Feint at a PK with Like Like.
      The law could be so much clearer. Great decision. But it's sad that the law isn't clear enough that we can all be 100-0.
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      Bleedaggie reacted to Joshref's post in the thread Feint at a PK with Like Like.
      First time round, I couldn’t believe he’d given it. In slow motion, I can only applaud the referee. Balls of steel to give it then. I...
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      Bleedaggie reacted to one's post in the thread When does run up end? with Like Like.
      Perhaps the point alluded to in OP is varying the speed of 'forward momentum' after the run up is complete (generally considered when...
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      I understand the letter of the law on feinting at a penalty kick. Permissable until the run up is complete. My question: is there a...
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      Bleedaggie reacted to socal lurker's post in the thread Copa America 2024 with Like Like.
      I have trouble believing, in the context of the game and what was/wasn’t cautioned previously, that he pulled that he pulled that card...
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      Bleedaggie reacted to JamesL's post in the thread Mex v Ecu with Like Like.
      This is from IFAB sister site, ifab rules.
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      Bleedaggie replied to the thread Mex v Ecu.
      Law doesn’t specify from where the ball has to come, correct? His arm was extended from his body when the ball made contact with it...
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      Bleedaggie posted the thread Mex v Ecu in As Seen on TV.
      Two big calls in the box during stoppage time of Mexico v. Ecuador. A potential handball offense wasn’t called, no VAR. Two minutes...
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      Bleedaggie reacted to JamesL's post in the thread First Caution with Like Like.
      Some good positives to take out here. Whilst I want to discourage a massive pile on about not reporting the caution there are some...
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      Bleedaggie reacted to cdsman's post in the thread Moving to spain with Like Like.
      I knew a referee who got promoted from level 5 in Spain, but couldn't even say Please in Spanish! That's poor for four... 😉
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      Bleedaggie replied to the thread Recommended Smart Watches.
      Using REFSIX. I just checked on my phone. You’ll need at least the plus version of the REFSIX app ($1.99/month) but it works that way on...
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      Bleedaggie replied to the thread Recommended Smart Watches.
      If I understand what you’re asking, my garmin forerunner will do that. You can start or stop time with one button and end the half with...
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      Bleedaggie replied to the thread Recommended Smart Watches.
      I’ve got the garmin forerunner and use it for running and with REFSIX. I actually prefer it to the Apple Watch because of the buttons...
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