The Ref Stop

U8's non competitive

So let’s say the same player made two appalling tackles the previous week and was subbed off/given advice education, could it be seen that it worked!! Of course we have no idea whether this was the case. However, what we do know that following any advice given to the player following the first appalling tackle, he took no notice, because he did it again. I am very surprised no formal action was taken following the 2nd offence.

I wasn't the ref, but even if I was I'd not have done much different. No one benefits from a caution.
The Ref Stop
I wasn't the ref, but even if I was I'd not have done much different. No one benefits from a caution.
"No one benefits from a caution" – I have to disagree.

You mention that subbing a player off is educational. I completely disagree. This approach, often seen in Academy football, misses the point. Being subbed off isn’t a real consequence, and most coaches wouldn’t hesitate to bring a player back on if it meant a better chance of winning.

As a player, I quickly learned what was acceptable and what wasn’t after receiving my first caution. For what it’s worth, I was once subbed off in a youth friendly for a tackle deemed "too strong." My reaction? Annoyance and frustration, because I believed the tackle was perfectly fair. Had I been booked in that situation, I might have understood the issue more clearly.

The phrasing you use—“appalling tackles”—sounds like it crosses the line from reckless into dangerous territory, possibly deserving a red card. As referees, we are paid to enforce the LOTG, not to do favours for players, teams, or coaches. Subbing a player off instead of issuing a caution can create inconsistency, leading to the infamous “last week’s ref” comparison.

To clarify, I’m not advocating for sending off 7 year olds, which ties back to my opening point: I don’t believe games at that level need qualified referees. However, as far as I am concerned, from U12 and up, players should be held accountable under the LOTG.