The Ref Stop
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Referee Career 2

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Breaking news...
To allow new users to try all the features (new and old) of Referee Career you can again now sign up for free. :-)
Hope you find the tool useful and as always let me know of any issues or suggestions.

The Ref Stop
Hi howard_webb

Thanks for the feedback and I understand your position. Trying to add a lot more features and also get an app version built to make it a lot more useful. Unfortunately this means I need to start covering my costs. Hopefully in the future I can improve it enough to make you feel it would be worthwhile.


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Hi Folks

Just wanted to let you know about the latest update to the application. This one focuses on your match performance. Rather than just rating match performance out of 5 you can now rate performance against 5 different categories (fitness, positioning, communication, decision making and match control. You now also give a match a difficulty rating (high, medium, low). This results in an overall match rating being assigned that relates to the difficulty of the match.
Any feedback please let me know.
