The Ref Stop

Promotion Results

The Ref Stop
The double jump must be rare though. I know this is a bit negative but let's say for whatever reason you don't make the double jump, will you still get from level 6-5?
Yes, you would. The double jump is effectively just the same as the "normal" promotion, but you have to do the first promotion in 6 months and then the second in the following 6 months (rather than having a year as normal candidates do).

If you don't get the required criteria completed in the first 6 months, you just get transferred to the year-long equivalent and have 6 months to get the remaining games/observations in for 6-5. And if you can't do the 5-4 criteria in the second 6 months, you still will have achieved the first promotion in the first 6 months, you just have to restart on the next step when the first 6 months are up.
Yes, you would. The double jump is effectively just the same as the "normal" promotion, but you have to do the first promotion in 6 months and then the second in the following 6 months (rather than having a year as normal candidates do).

If you don't get the required criteria completed in the first 6 months, you just get transferred to the year-long equivalent and have 6 months to get the remaining games/observations in for 6-5. And if you can't do the 5-4 criteria in the second 6 months, you still will have achieved the first promotion in the first 6 months, you just have to restart on the next step when the first 6 months are up.
Whilst the above applies for the 7-5 jump, from 6-4, it is slightly different.

You'll have to get 5 assessments (otherwise you'll have to be within the top 50% of club marks in your 'main' league), referee 20 games and be an assistant on 10 games. You have to do that within the marking season (March to February). However, it is unlikely that you'll be assessed until after you have completed the fitness tests in June - September time. After February, your County FA will nominate you to the FA for them to decide whether your marks are good enough to get you promoted.

Last year we had to be ranked by our County FA's to help the FA decide the promotions more easily. From my understanding the rankings took into account:
  • Assessment average
  • Number of middles
  • Number of Supply League lines
  • Club marks
Whilst the above applies for the 7-5 jump, from 6-4, it is slightly different.

You'll have to get 5 assessments (otherwise you'll have to be within the top 50% of club marks in your 'main' league), referee 20 games and be an assistant on 10 games. You have to do that within the marking season (March to February). However, it is unlikely that you'll be assessed until after you have completed the fitness tests in June - September time. After February, your County FA will nominate you to the FA for them to decide whether your marks are good enough to get you promoted.

Last year we had to be ranked by our County FA's to help the FA decide the promotions more easily. From my understanding the rankings took into account:
  • Assessment average
  • Number of middles
  • Number of Supply League lines
  • Club marks
Thanks for the detailed reply! :)

At level 4, is there a merit table like there is a level 3? I know you have to finish top 20 / 348 at level 3 to get promoted to 2B
Thanks for the detailed reply! :)

At level 4, is there a merit table like there is a level 3? I know you have to finish top 20 / 348 at level 3 to get promoted to 2B
Slightly different in the fact that we are placed into bandings on our supply league/pool (a collection of two supply leagues). The bandings are from A-E and we receive a banding for both our assessor marks and also our club marks. There isn't a national merit table (except for our assistant referee marks), all the marking is dealt with by our supply leagues.

A band 'A' would mean you're in the top 20% of assessors/club marks. Similarly to level 3, if you're AA, you're likely to be promoted.
I know not of these district FAs. I officiate across 6 county FAs & have been affiliated to 2 county FAs without coming across district organisations. Are they from within cities? Us country bumpkins might be missing something
Slightly different in the fact that we are placed into bandings on our supply league/pool (a collection of two supply leagues). The bandings are from A-E and we receive a banding for both our assessor marks and also our club marks. There isn't a national merit table (except for our assistant referee marks), all the marking is dealt with by our supply leagues.

A band 'A' would mean you're in the top 20% of assessors/club marks. Similarly to level 3, if you're AA, you're likely to be promoted.
Do you find out what band you're in at the end of season? And do you think you'll get your level 3?
I know not of these district FAs. I officiate across 6 county FAs & have been affiliated to 2 county FAs without coming across district organisations. Are they from within cities? Us country bumpkins might be missing something

Not sure of the historic reasons for them existing, but they still do in a few counties (in more places than I'd thought a few days ago!). Essentially, it's where a County FA is subdivided into District FAs; in Cheshire's case there are 9 districts. Certain responsibilities are delegated to Districts. For referees, we have a County RDO, but also a District RDO and Ref Sec. Training and development is mostly local, as is support from the Mentor Officer, until you reach the County Academy. Observations for 7-6 are coordinated at District level (although recommendations for promotion still have to be signed off by County).

All those things may well vary from one area to another. Standardisation is an unfamiliar phrase in FA structures!
Observations for 7-6 are coordinated at District level (although recommendations for promotion still have to be signed off by County).
@Brian Hamilton This would be what I was talking about. Seems County variable it would seem.

@Ste thanks for this thought I was goinng potty :D
Training and development is mostly local, as is support from the Mentor Officer, until you reach the County Academy.

Also, now you can only join the Academy if you have applied for promotion.
Do you find out what band you're in at the end of season? And do you think you'll get your level 3?
I believe each league gives out the bandings at different points. I received bandings in October and December and will then receive the final bandings in May once the promotions and relegations have been announced.

No, I won't get my level 3 this time round - was only my first year though, so not too disheartened. Will try again this year!
I believe each league gives out the bandings at different points. I received bandings in October and December and will then receive the final bandings in May once the promotions and relegations have been announced.

No, I won't get my level 3 this time round - was only my first year though, so not too disheartened. Will try again this year!

I wouldn't be too disappointed either, to be a level 4 at 20 is very good. Hopefully I can be level 4 at 20. I need to wear contacts, and referee open age soon, and run the line at a higher level
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I sometimes lay back in my rocking chair and wonder what would have happened if my circumstances would have been different and i could have too refereeing more seriously. Where could I have got?? I was always fine with the fitness in the games back then, I always seemed to know more than the players regards Law but that wasn't difficult at times!! Never feared any player, manager, crowd or occasion, or any chance to upset someone when and if required. I always refereed for fair play, fun and certainly not the money, yes I took it seriously but never wanted or needed to advance. In my head I could see myself doing just about any games, maybe championship / EFL, however, at some point, I would have come up against a Grey wall of Ref Secs and League stuff that I haven't ever had any time for.

I'm not one for someone controlling my life, i'm a bit of a free spirit in that regard. Still a bit of fuel in the tank but I've enjoyed a fairly fallow season and enjoyed spending time with the grand kids. I still get the odd request and even get private FB messages from other refs and managers checking stuff and situations. Always happy to help anyone at any time, and that will continue. They may wheel me out for a special occasion but its nice to compare notes from like minded refs and of course my best wishes to you all in your private and refereeing careers!! Anyone up for a beer i'm travelling round the UK all the time in my job!! PM me
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He was actually from the Rotherham Area, he was a desk sergeant at Attercliffe nick if I remember right! Perfect example of a decent ref that needed a massive career break from his employer to take it to the next level. His record was amazing but would of had to sink or swim in normal work life if given the opportunity!! Apart from the Select Group, does refereeing pay as a job??? Nope!!!
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I sometimes lay back in my rocking chair and wonder what would have happened if my circumstances would have been different and i could have too refereeing more seriously. Where could I have got?? I was always fine with the fitness in the games back then, I always seemed to know more than the players regards Law but that wasn't difficult at times!! Never feared any player, manager, crowd or occasion, or any chance to upset someone when and if required. I always refereed for fair play, fun and certainly not the money, yes I took it seriously but never wanted or needed to advance. In my head I could see myself doing just about any games, maybe championship / EFL, however, at some point, I would have come up against a Grey wall of Ref Secs and League stuff that I haven't ever had any time for.

I'm not one for someone controlling my life, i'm a bit of a free spirit in that regard. Still a bit of fuel in the tank but I've enjoyed a fairly fallow season and enjoyed spending time with the grand kids. I still get the odd request and even get private FB messages from other refs and managers checking stuff and situations. Always happy to help anyone at any time, and that will continue. They may wheel me out for a special occasion but its nice to compare notes from like minded refs and of course my best wishes to you all in your private and refereeing careers!! Anyone up for a beer i'm travelling round the UK all the time in my job!! PM me
Sod the PM, I'm off work all next week if you fancy a lunch time beer Wed or Fri.

This has changed to a Wed only offer. Apparently I'm off to Whitby for fish n chips on Friday lol
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