Penalty kick


New Member
Level 7 Referee
So had a game the other week where I gave a pen kick he takes it he misses but I noticed the keeper came of his line before the ball was kicked so I ordered the retake now here is my question can the penalty taker get somebody else to take it or not?
A&H International
Yup, no issues with changing kicker, so long as you know who should be taking it. To deliberately disguise the kicker is an offence in itself
The only requirement in the Laws in regard to the player taking the penalty kick is that they be properly identified. So long as you know who is taking the kick, it can be anyone on the team. This applies to both the original kick and the retake.
So had a game the other week where I gave a pen kick he takes it he misses but I noticed the keeper came of his line before the ball was kicked so I ordered the retake now here is my question can the penalty taker get somebody else to take it or not?

Out of interest, did you caution the keeper?
Same comment, why would you?.......... A mandatory yellow I'll be applying when I see fit........
Same comment, why would you?.......... A mandatory yellow I'll be applying when I see fit........

hmm, this is where the internet is bad for communicating. I guess we will never know how you intended it originally but will give you the benefit of the doubt. ;)

And yes I would caution the keeper, I just hope other ref's are doing it as well so that I don't become a victim of 'last week's ref'
Don't worry about my intention, I can make that quite clear, I won't be issuing a yellow for keeper encroachment, at least not the first time........
You can understand why me & @zarathustra got confused with your post though? :)

Not really, most of the 'mandatory yellow's' don't happen on my pitch. I manage the situations, and the card comes out when it has to. Mostly, they listen and it rarely sees the light of day.
Not really, most of the 'mandatory yellow's' don't happen on my pitch. I manage the situations, and the card comes out when it has to. Mostly, they listen and it rarely sees the light of day.

As I said before the internet is bad for communicating sometimes. Allow me to explain.

I asked "Did you caution the keeper"

You replied: "Why would you"

This can be interpreted in two ways.

1) Why would you need to book the keeper? (The way I and somebody else interpreted it)

2) Why? Would you book the keeper in this situation? (The way you intended it)
Not really, most of the 'mandatory yellow's' don't happen on my pitch. I manage the situations, and the card comes out when it has to. Mostly, they listen and it rarely sees the light of day.
Hmmm, obviously it's entirely your prerogative how you choose to manage your games. But your flexibility over mandatory cautions probably goes some way towards explaining the ridiculous grief given to myself and other referees when we do apply the law correctly and as intended ....
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The problem with this particular mandatory caution is that it's new this season.

It can be managed by clearly telling the keeper when you're setting the penalty up that it's a mandatory caution if you have to retake due to them coming off their line.

Of course, how many times do you see penalties retaken either because the keeper comes off their line, or encroachment by either defenders or attackers?
I remember this being an unpopular change on here when it was spotted in the new LOTG. If keeper encroachment is rarely punished as it is, forcing the referee to give an even harsher punishment does not seem like it would be the correct way to stop referees turning a blind eye to this issue.
Same comment, why would you?.......... A mandatory yellow I'll be applying when I see fit........
So you'll be last week's ref then?
What other laws do you ignore?
We get to bend the laws, not break them. Like it or not, it's mandatory. Don't go out of your way to make life harder for your colleagues doing the right thing.
Would you ever 'manage' the situation after cautioning a player for the second time without sending hlm off? No. Once cautioned a second time the red comes out.

It's the same here. Once a pen is to be retaken due to keeper encroachment, the yellow comes out. I am afraid we don't have a choice here.
I am afraid Mintyref's admission that he totally disregards the Laws of the Game I find neither amusing nor acceptable. This is not an inexperienced referee misunderstanding the Laws, or even an experienced ref playing with the grey areas that are left to his own judgement and ITOOTR. No, this is an brazen and unacceptable refusal to follow mandatory sections of the Laws. An attitude that causes impossible problems for referees who are trying to carry them out correctly. This smacks of an arrogant belief that this referee knows best, and can pick and chose how he implements the Laws. This is a disgraceful approach to refereeing, and in my opinion referees like Mintyref should be simply thrown out of the game which they are showing no respect for..