Defending player misses ball during a challenge and kicks attacker across both ankles. Clear foul, right?
But this was in the penalty area, the player didn’t go to ground and the attacking team did not appeal.
I (almost) instinctually blew and awarded the penalty. Cue an almighty amount of grief and a sin bin for dissent.
It’s an annoying one because I “didn’t have to give it” but my eyes saw a clear foul and I acted as I usually do anywhere else on the pitch.
How do you guys deal with this in the box? Do you have more tolerance or wait a second or two for the appeals to start?
But this was in the penalty area, the player didn’t go to ground and the attacking team did not appeal.
I (almost) instinctually blew and awarded the penalty. Cue an almighty amount of grief and a sin bin for dissent.
It’s an annoying one because I “didn’t have to give it” but my eyes saw a clear foul and I acted as I usually do anywhere else on the pitch.
How do you guys deal with this in the box? Do you have more tolerance or wait a second or two for the appeals to start?