A&H International
I feel like there won't be a 2nd yellow unless it's absolutely crystal clear. Could have seen 2 or 3 already in extra time
What is it with the Dutch and high card count games at World Cups? Not sure Cruyff would have approved of the Dutch route one stuff!
Another failure to signal advantage as Messi hacks at a player after the ball has gone.

Here’s what you could have won:

-on messi’s 3rd foul, pause the game, cut the grass, warn about future conduct.
-the GK handbags, DFK and YC both GK and attacker.
-mass con, 2xYC Paredes, YC virgil

This would be perfectly normal, expected, fair and aid match control.

To not do these things, whether based on Collina’s/FIFA’s instructions or just becsuse… well, it presents poorly. IMHO of course.
If you ever had a question that FIFA wants 11 v 11 at all costs, this is it. Given Mateu is not afraid to show cards and send people off elsewhere, the only possible explanation is Collina and FIFA telling referees “unless they either use a weapon or tear a limb off, keep ‘em all in the game.”
If you ever had a question that FIFA wants 11 v 11 at all costs, this is it. Given Mateu is not afraid to show cards and send people off elsewhere, the only possible explanation is Collina and FIFA telling referees “unless they either use a weapon or tear a limb off, keep ‘em all in the game.”
Surely this directive has to change, you cant have games like this, where the ref is being seen as the whole focus

Speaking of which, a new YC
I try not to be overly critical but the last 30/40 minutes of this has been absolutely how not to manage a game. It’s a mess if we’re being honest
I try not to be overly critical but the last 30/40 minutes of this has been absolutely how not to manage a game. It’s a mess if we’re being honest
I think Lahoz is fighting a battle he cant win, theres too many expectations on him now, and hes never gonna find this easy, both teams should incur heavy fines imo, off the back of their conduct
The tantrum by the next player across in response to the whistle could have done with a yellow too.
I feel like he needed to take the hit with a second yellow, would've made the difference imo, more yellows just mean nothing to these players now