Fulham v Wolves


RefChat Addict
I get it's 5 minutes into the match but how has Robinson avoided a card here and how has Salisbury deemed that as an advantage and not bring that back? There was clear no advantage gained and the better option was a free kick.
Awful tackle by Robinson.
A&H International
Quite clever of the Wolves player, obviously hurt his ankle, to hold onto the advertising board and then fall over and roll to the pitch to delay restart and get treatment.
And how did 3 officials make a mess of awarding a throw in to Wolves (given to Fulham) in the 17th minute?
Great bit of skill to play the ball against the Fulham player and goes out and Salisbury, seemingly unsure, gives it to Fulham. But how does the assistant and even the watching 4th official not see that came off from a Fulham player?
It’s harsh, but definitely supportable, and certainly not enough for a C&O error. From some angles it looks worse than others. I don’t think there can be too many complaints about it as it was awarded on field first.
I get it's 5 minutes into the match but how has Robinson avoided a card here
I have always hated the “only X minutes in. If a card is earned that early in the game, it is typically A sign that the game needs the card given that early in the game, not a reason not to give it. (I understand not giving a soft card early, but not a clear card.)
I could support that if given on field but I’m not sure it’s a clear and obvious.
So seems we're saying any contact is now a pen then.
The first Fulham one I thought was harsh, but given, so not clear and obvious to overrule (sorry suggest a review).
The 2nd was probably more of a penalty, for the amount of contact made, but I feel once the contact was made Wilson fell over like he'd been sniped from the crowd.
I don’t get why VAR is stepping in there. There‘s a little bit of contact but I don’t think there’s enough for Wilson to go down, and it’s potentially even simulation. Not C&O by any measure.
Also - how a Headbutt isn’t a red, I do not know…
This is was surprised at.
I feel if Salisbury didn't give a card he may have been asked to go to have a look.
But to say it was enough for, what is a guess, AAA, without a second proper look... Nah.