France vs England


Retired big bad baldy in all black!
Wilton Pereira Sampaio is the lucky/unlucky man in the middle, portrayed by the media already as "card happy".

Hopefully the players make the game easy for him and the post-match comments are on the football instead of the blame the ref game!
A&H International
Y’know what, in things that are of no consequence whatsoever… I bloody hate that the shirt numbers aren’t consistent between teams. When I’m FIFA President I’ll fix this*

(* take loads of bungs and retire to Barbados)
That really looked like "over to you VAR" and then deemed outside so we don't get a pen but crucially we miss a FK for a clear foul in a promising position (potential caution for SpA too. Probably harsh but I'm on one 🤣)
That really looked like "over to you VAR" and then deemed outside so we don't get a pen but crucially we miss a FK for a clear foul in a promising position (potential caution for SpA too. Probably harsh but I'm on one 🤣)
Think he dug himself in a bit of a hole by not giving the FK, looked fairly obvious that it was