The Ref Stop

Flexibility about throw-in location

I've heard players say ..."I can take it as far back as I's only wrong if I go too far forward" šŸ¤”

Had one like that years ago as AR, with comms

Defender was clearly going to take throw quickly, some 30 yards further back than it should be ( idea being throw it bk to gk)

i did shout in advance something like, " thats too far away" , as the player took the throw, ref was in quick with reply of, leave it,

not a single appeal from other team and ball bk in play quickly.

Am sitting on the fence whether the correct thing to do was ignorre it but the deecisiom waa taken out of my hands regardless
The Ref Stop
Had one like that years ago as AR, with comms

Defender was clearly going to take throw quickly, some 30 yards further back than it should be ( idea being throw it bk to gk)

i did shout in advance something like, " thats too far away" , as the player took the throw, ref was in quick with reply of, leave it,

not a single appeal from other team and ball bk in play quickly.

Am sitting on the fence whether the correct thing to do was ignorre it but the deecisiom waa taken out of my hands regardless

Not really that dissimilar from the pretty standard instruction of if they are getting a defensive free kick played quickly and sideways or backwards then let them get on with it even if it is in the wrong place.
Not really that dissimilar from the pretty standard instruction of if they are getting a defensive free kick played quickly and sideways or backwards then let them get on with it even if it is in the wrong place.

i'd like to see a law where, in their defensive third, teams can play dead balls / throw ins from any position that is closer to their own goal than where the offence / restart should be located, in the interests of getting the game moving quicker.
Not really that dissimilar from the pretty standard instruction of if they are getting a defensive free kick played quickly and sideways or backwards then let them get on with it even if it is in the wrong place.
I disagree. Players should be taking free kicks/throws from where they should be. Once you let them get away with it in one third of the pitch, they'll try it in others. When i'm coaching my strikers, they may be told to press or not press in certain situations. Refs allowing defenders to play free kicks anywhere would be wrong in this respect.
The underlying issue here is ā€œtrifling.ā€ In shooting range, yes, the blade of grass where the FK is taken can matter. Inside the defensive PA, it generally doesnā€™t. I donā€™t think the concept here is ā€œoh, just take it anywhere,ā€ but ā€how close is close enough.ā€ That is largely a factor of field location, but also is impacted by the situation. TI location in the defensive third matters more if the opponents are pressing than if they all dropped back to their own half. Similarly, where an OS FK is taken matters more if the opponents are trying to take away a short pass than if they dropped back to defend. If it doesnā€™t matter, Iā€˜m not going to get hung up on a few yards here or there in the back. If teams get excited about it, Iā€™ll be more strict.
I disagree. Players should be taking free kicks/throws from where they should be. Once you let them get away with it in one third of the pitch, they'll try it in others. When i'm coaching my strikers, they may be told to press or not press in certain situations. Refs allowing defenders to play free kicks anywhere would be wrong in this respect.
What happens a lot is a throw in goes out at halfway but the ball ends up down by corner flag.
Throw in allowed to be taken all the way down there.
This is gaining a tactical advantage in my view as it allows possession to be built up from the back where there is less pressure and more room to invite the opposition on to you, making space in the attacking areas. A throw in taken at half way line is more likely to end up in a loss of possession in my experience.
I'm not going to get fussy to the exact spot but similarly, even if it's defensive I want the player to come up close ish to where the ball left FOP.
More than once, Iā€™ve seen an attacking throw awarded within a yard of the corner flag and the thrower walks back towards the edge of the penalty area to take it.
Not really that dissimilar from the pretty standard instruction of if they are getting a defensive free kick played quickly and sideways or backwards then let them get on with it even if it is in the wrong place.

Am not letting a defensive fk go 30 yards away regardless of what drection its headed

10, 12, 15 max

bk to the throw tthough, am now 30 yards out of postion also.
What happens a lot is a throw in goes out at halfway but the ball ends up down by corner flag.
Throw in allowed to be taken all the way down there.
This is gaining a tactical advantage in my view as it allows possession to be built up from the back where there is less pressure and more room to invite the opposition on to you, making space in the attacking areas. A throw in taken at half way line is more likely to end up in a loss of possession in my experience.
I'm not going to get fussy to the exact spot but similarly, even if it's defensive I want the player to come up close ish to where the ball left FOP.
You're absolutely right @JamesL but have to say, at grassroots level the only time I'm getting involved with that one is:

1. I'm being observed.


2. The other team are protesting.

You're absolutely right @JamesL but have to say, at grassroots level the only time I'm getting involved with that one is:

1. I'm being observed.


2. The other team are protesting.

Totally agree. Thought about putting in opposing team complaining. Which is a rare occasion they'd be entitled to.
but players are told not to protest. I wouldn't give them the satifaction that their protest influenced me getting involved
There are protests and protests. Part of being a ref is understanding the expectations of the teams playing today. If teams are upset by locations, itā€™s easy to enforce. That doesnā€™t mean ā€œblade of grass,ā€ but it does mean being less lax. And darn sure less lax on the team that complained about the other.
Am not letting a defensive fk go 30 yards away regardless of what drection its headed

10, 12, 15 max

bk to the throw tthough, am now 30 yards out of postion also.
Yeah, I wasn't advocating anywhere, but you have more flexibility. You wouldn't allow an attacking free kick, or even one near the half way line that is going to be punted forward, be taken 10 to 15 yards in the wrong place, but if it is defensive and they are just going to play sideways or backwards does it really matter.
Think about it in terms of where the ball is going to end as a result of the kick. Does the exact position of the restart affect the next touch? If it's going into the box or a shot on goal then absolutely - if it's going sideways or backwards, that's likely to have the same results regardless of exactly where the kick is taken from.