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      BCMilan replied to the thread Heading U7 - 11 rule changes.
      Many thanks
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      BCMilan replied to the thread Heading U7 - 11 rule changes.
      Well yeah. They'd head it off the line rather than handballing it
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      BCMilan replied to the thread DBS.
      I think it's on it's way...but they're doing each sector of the game, bit by bit
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      BCMilan reacted to JamesL's post in the thread Heading U7 - 11 rule changes with Like Like.
      I am sure @ChasObserverRefDeveloper will report back, when he can, once a response received. It was only sent yesterday evening so it...
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      BCMilan replied to the thread Heading U7 - 11 rule changes.
      Did we ever get an answer to the question ?
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      BCMilan reacted to OnlyUseMeWhistle's post in the thread Micro shin pads with Like Like.
      I don’t 100% agree because it increases the number of injuries for non-reckless tackles and then you get players doing the whole “look...
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      BCMilan replied to the thread Heading U7 - 11 rule changes.
      anyone know the answer to Kent Refs question in the UK ?
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      BCMilan replied to the thread Micro shin pads.
      They were a long time ago now. One was a pure accident (twist), but I dread to think how bad the other would have been if he was wearing...
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      BCMilan replied to the thread Micro shin pads.
      Personally, I don't like seeing players (particularly youngsters) getting hurt whilst playing the beautiful game. I've seen two broken...
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      BCMilan replied to the thread Micro shin pads.
      Love that analogy lol
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      BCMilan replied to the thread Micro shin pads.
      It's the same with all of these things. The authorities will wait until somebody is seriously injured before action is taken. We all...
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      BCMilan replied to the thread NED V ENG Euro SF.
      It was an absolute joke how the pundits were praising Southgate last night, yet ripping into him 2 games ago. Talk about fickle !
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      BCMilan replied to the thread NED V ENG Euro SF.
      In the GIF it looks like he's pulling out rather than with studs facing, trying to hurt Kane !
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      BCMilan reacted to Murri O's post in the thread NED V ENG Euro SF with Like Like.
      Not a pen for me. And who kicked who by the way? Why is bloody VAR getting involved anyway? Love to hear someone give that penalty at...
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      BCMilan reacted to David G's post in the thread NED V ENG Euro SF with Like Like.
      I agree with you about grassroots and in 95-99% of cases I don’t think a penalty would be awarded in the uk & probably not in higher...
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