The Ref Stop

County cup appointments


Well-Known Member
Level 5 Referee
Hi all

I was appointed today to a county cup fixture which is a 70+ mile round trip.

Do I get to claim expenses?

Would I have any grounds to say I can’t make this due to the distance?

The Ref Stop
This has been commented on recently. The ball is in your court - if you don’t have the use of a car etc and have to rely on public transport which could be problematic with timings etc then you may well have grounds to turn it down. However, a 70+ mile round trip at this stage of the competition doesn’t sound too outrageous and there will be many Referees who have never turned down a county cup appointment, as well as those who have.
Hi all

I was appointed today to a county cup fixture which is a 70+ mile round trip.

Do I get to claim expenses?

Would I have any grounds to say I can’t make this due to the distance?

Not sure if all County FA’s do this, but mine always asked you to complete forms at the beginning of the season to confirm if you can drive. Those that could drive would generally be given the fixtures a bit further afield.

It seems like a bit of a pain and maybe leaves you out of pocket, but you’ve just got to take the rough with the smooth. As you progress through refereeing, you’ll more than even this travel out with games closer to home, games with higher fees and expenses etc

As said above, coming off a game for the reason of its ‘too far’ probably isn’t going to go down too well. If you were having to do this every week, I’d say you have a point. But for the odd game during the reason, is all part of the role.

Although I can drive from one end of my County to the other in about 40 mins, so what do I know 😝
I’m not really into the whole pleasing people business - I just like refereeing. I haven’t turned it down - just like things to be fair for everyone. I’m not sure it’s a poor attitude asking if expenses are available
I’m not really into the whole pleasing people business - I just like refereeing. I haven’t turned it down - just like things to be fair for everyone. I’m not sure it’s a poor attitude asking if expenses are available
Nothing wrong with looking to see if expenses are available. Sometimes things may not appear to be fair but …. They could have offered the appointment to someone else but they chose you. Not because of how far away you lived with no separate expenses available, but because of your performances, your electronic paperwork etc etc
I’m not really into the whole pleasing people business - I just like refereeing. I haven’t turned it down - just like things to be fair for everyone. I’m not sure it’s a poor attitude asking if expenses are available
As you have now found, the CFA offers an inclusive sum, so expenses is not really a question to ask. There will be a reason for offering you the game, possibly to see how committed to refereeing you are . . .
As you have now found, the CFA offers an inclusive sum, so expenses is not really a question to ask. There will be a reason for offering you the game, possibly to see how committed to refereeing you are . . .
Many many moons ago, when I joined my first supply league my first two fixtures were one involving a ferry and then midweek to the farthest team away from my house.

Was 100% a test 😂
Blimey is that really what it’s like!? No thanks!
That used to be very common once you got to L4, the FA would often send you on very long journeys for your first few games. I got Ipswich, from North London, for one of my first games, and also a couple of trips to the Kent and Sussex coasts.
Sounds like lazy appointing but nevertheless I would still do it. I've never tu3ned down an appointment based on geography. Rough with the smooth.

Living on an island where it takes 20 minutes to get from one side of the island to the other, and with 2 of the 7 grounds within a 5 minute walk it's not really an issue anymore!