The Ref Stop

Cold/Numb Hands...

Are we, as Referees actually allowed to wear gloves?

2 games this weekend, Saturday, got back to the changing rooms & I couldn't even undo my buttons on my shirt my fingers were that numb. Todays game, exactly the same and struggled to write in my notebook & start/stop the watch.

Things like taking my shirt off I am not bothered about, but it's the in-game problems, such as writing in the notebook etc.
The Ref Stop
I'm sure I've read that you can rub Vaseline (other petroleum jelly products are available) on the back of your hands to keep them warm??

Not tried it myself as yet, but will probably do so next time I'm out in the middle. Anyone with experience?
I bought myself a £1.99 pair of fingerless black thermal gloves.... keeps my hands nice 'n' warm and still got the fingers to write with.... and yes my fingers are warm too.
1) Write your notebook out before the game and then just tick off things as you go.

2) Don't like gloves personally and don't like to see them on a referee. If you're moving enough, your hands should be warm.

3) Rub Tiger Balm on the inside of your wrist but make sure you wash your hands after putting it on, it stings if rubbed in an eye or elsewhere
im kind of in agreement with @Brian Hamilton

I don't really like 'the look' but each to their own ... I also don't like the look of shabby warm up clothing or the umbro old diamond kit - but hey ho lol

for me personally, I cant write properly with gloves, I never work with gloves - I like to be able to 'feel' what im doing ...

secondly, if you are moving enough, you should be warm enough?

if anything - id potentially get the under armour tops with the 'thumb holes' in - they kind of cover your palm etc without being actual restrictive gloves
Been there done that, have run around like a tasmanian devil, but still my fingers tend to get a tad -10 cold so wearing fingerless gloves helps i wear long sleeve top so doesn't look too bad (IMO) But good luck with looking macho, keeping my fingers warm is much more of a better idea.......
My extremities get very cold very quickly sometimes, much quicker than my core. Similar to what the OP describes, I've had to sit in the changing rooms for 10 minutes after a match before I was able to untie my laces, plus all the in-game issues.

Looking presentable is a nice bonus, but it comes a long long way second compared to being a functional referee. I've put my gloves on before my long-sleeved undershirt on occasion and it makes perfect sense to me.
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to be honest, cold 'extremities' is usually a sign of bad blood circulation, which can in turn be from a bad diet - has anyone looked into this possibility before?

id love to do a comparison as well to see if 'stockier' refs suffer much less with cold hands then the more slender ref out there?

my being that ive never met a larger chap with cold hands ...
to be honest, cold 'extremities' is usually a sign of bad blood circulation, which can in turn be from a bad diet - has anyone looked into this possibility before?

id love to do a comparison as well to see if 'stockier' refs suffer much less with cold hands then the more slender ref out there?

my being that ive never met a larger chap with cold hands ...
Hi. Stocky but with poor circulation and very cold fingers