The Ref Stop

FA need to hang their heads!

The Ref Stop
I think I was around that time too with my first and only CRB check. Being custodians of our wonderful game didn't start in 2007 Brian, all the stuff mentioned so far took place in the previous 30 years. As the BBC found out burying your head in the sand doesn't stop the bottom of the pond feeders that prey on the compensation culture...
I think I was around that time too with my first and only CRB check. Being custodians of our wonderful game didn't start in 2007 Brian, all the stuff mentioned so far took place in the previous 30 years. As the BBC found out burying your head in the sand doesn't stop the bottom of the pond feeders that prey on the compensation culture...
Daz, 40 years ago this place was virtually a third world country and not the Airstrip One style commercially fixated cesspit it is today. Advances take time just like it takes a while to sort this kind of stuff out. 30 years ago we still had football hooligans and it was still socially acceptable to abuse Irish people in the street. Back then The FA had even more volunteers trying to fit in their responsibilities around day jobs. Stuff gets missed. Now stuff is being watched for and stuff doesn't happened to the same extent (I hope).
I understand your point Brian, it's certainly better now (one hopes), whenever we hear of this historic abuse news you have to understand to difference in social media and report ability that didn't seem to be available in these times. This stuff seems to pop up in trusted persons in many walks of life, the church, sports clubs, education. These are clever people who learned to not get caught, I'm not sure if the current system totally covers someone who is perfectly legally plausible and hasn't ever been caught!
It's sad to say, and says a lot about the state of the world today, but this is no surprise at all. Always seemed like a matter of time.

Now the lid is off, its a matter of waiting to see how many people now come forward.
It was rife back then- priests, radio personalities, tv stars, scout leaders etc etc anywhere where young people came into contact with aspirational adults these sick bstrds hid and preyed. No surprise sport has finally revealed it had its share of problems.

The lack of formal checks made it all to easy for these animals to attach and integrate themselves into positions where they could abuse
Seems Crewe were aware of his exploits but he continued to find star players so it was ignored. WTF?..
Young star struck players manipulated into situations that there potential future would be compromised if they didn't comply and kept quiet on what was going on... there are bound to be others, ex players and perpetrators at all levels... watch this space...
It was rife back then- priests, radio personalities, tv stars, scout leaders etc etc anywhere where young people came into contact with aspirational adults these sick bstrds hid and preyed. No surprise sport has finally revealed it had its share of problems.

The lack of formal checks made it all to easy for these animals to attach and integrate themselves into positions where they could abuse

Those 'checks', both DBS and predecessor CRB only ever identify those people that are 'known' to the authorities. All those currently abusing will continue to get away with their actions till some child is brave enough to get help. The systems within clubs are probably more important than the checks.....
Seems Crewe were aware of his exploits but he continued to find star players so it was ignored. WTF?..
Young star struck players manipulated into situations that there potential future would be compromised if they didn't comply and kept quiet on what was going on... there are bound to be others, ex players and perpetrators at all levels... watch this space...
I so hope this isn't true. F@cking awful
There appears to be a lot more of it going on than society wants to accept...look at the child abuse rings in Birmingham, Bradford even in Hollywood with the likes of Corey Fieldman coming out etc wherever there are vulnerable kids there is an opportunity for these vile people to prey! Until the law actually punishes them with life sentences like the child has to live with they will continue. IFA made it compulsory for all referees to have checks this year means nothing these checks only show if you have been caught, its the ones that aren't caught who are the problem!
Hopefully the courage of the victims who have waivered their right to remain anonymous and come forward will encourage others to do the same and have not been put off by the ignorant insensitive moron Eric Bristow's comments! Clubs/individuals that had suspicions/knew of abuse, but chose to ignore or cover it up should be ashamed of themselves.

I certainly hope my own beloved Chelsea are not one of those guilty parties given the news they have hired legal representatives to investigate a deceased individual who worked for the club during the 70's.
Hopefully the courage of the victims who have waivered their right to remain anonymous and come forward will encourage others to do the same and have not been put off by the ignorant insensitive moron Eric Bristow's comments! Clubs/individuals that had suspicions/knew of abuse, but chose to ignore or cover it up should be ashamed of themselves.

I certainly hope my own beloved Chelsea are not one of those guilty parties given the news they have hired legal representatives to investigate a deceased individual who worked for the club during the 70's.

Says more about Bristow's mentality than anything, Chelsea must be worrying about something? :facepalm:
Clubs had welfare officers back then, wtf were they doing? Club chairman will all come out like Hall has done to try and suggest they knew nothing. 3 wise monkeys springs to mind
Ignorance is no everything there is a rumour mill and no doubt like Saville people ignored it! Anyone who heard the rumours and didn't act is complicit in this awful vile situation! Thankfully some are now brave enough to step forward and hopefully end it for anyone that it is currently happening to..what is wrong with this world?
Totally agree, if the story is true of Chelsea's actions to pay off former players is true then there should be repercussions. I am sure Chelsea are not alone