The Ref Stop

Players Kit Check

The Ref Stop
And I always take my wedding ring off before games , ......and nights out with the boys :D (joke ) 24 years of married bliss

Only 24?, you're practically still on honeymoon!;)

32 for me and I can still persuade Mrs PP to come and watch me (attempt to) officiate!
I leave the wedding ring at home every game. The wife hates it. Really hates it.
Pray she is understanding, mention it now. Also thinking ahead - Don't get fat so your ring won't come off your finger in the future. :D
I take my wedding ring off and the wife is OK(ish) with it, also she comes with me to games as well. 11 years married.
We comparing notes on long we have managed to stay married for as well now? :D Ok then, here's my 2 pence worth.

When I am refereeing for my son's team, usually give my ring pre-match to the wife of 15 years, who tags along as moral support for the pair of us, then reclaim it post match. If I am heading off to a match on my own, simply leave the ring by the side of our bed....
Cheers for all the replies. Greatly appreciated open to any views and some very interesting. Even the wedding ring idea. I'm not married nor engaged but wear rings generally but I take them off too
I leave the wedding ring at home every game. The wife hates it. Really hates it.
I said to my missus(apart from not allowed to wear it) "What if it falls off on the pitch and i lose it?"( I told her too that tape is not allowed)
My missus has a unicorn ornament and i leave it on the horn.....
Undershorts - every time
Socks - depends on the level, junior football, it's ok, half the time the players have not even got the same colour shorts, intermediate football, no, they should know better.

Mine goes either in a secret pocket in my kit bag or if I remember I leave it at home.

Let's face it the likelihood of a referee having their ring finger ripped off in action is pretty slim, but I do it because it sets the right example.

I'm not to fussy on kit to be honest. I mention it to both teams and managers, loudly mention a couple of the obvious ones and the others tend to sort themselves.
Was assessed this weekend. In the warm up, I sorted out a couple of sock tape issues and one jewellery. Assistants checked the teams before we went out, one undershort and one undershirt issue sorted.

End of game debrief got pulled up with regard to a sub who came on who apparently had white undershorts under black shorts. Not seen during game by any of the three officials. Just shows how super vigilant we're expected to be .....
Really you missed that?!?!?! ;) yeah exactly you cant get everything and i think thats the general trend. you can do what you can do and deal with the ones at the start but from then on you cant do a major amount
Really you missed that?!?!?! ;) yeah exactly you cant get everything and i think thats the general trend. you can do what you can do and deal with the ones at the start but from then on you cant do a major amount
Actually mate, if you do spot something awry during a game, assessors will be pleased to see you dealing with it even then. Especially if it's undershorts which might have come into view after being tucked out of sight pre-match. And seeing one of their team mates / opponents having to leave the field to sort out something like that might also act as a nice deterrent in future weeks ;)