Sorry, but I feel that is a really poor attitude to have, we have to listen to the FA whether we like it or not, rules are there for a reason, you say it doesn't affect your refereeing with coloured shirts E.T.C so why bother breaking the rules, it's quite pointless really and comes across a tad attention seeking or "bad boy" when your the only referee on the local park with a bright yellow shirt.......

I agree @Ryan .

Having the specified kit is about professionalism, self-discipline and setting the example. Its not about bowing to conformity or kissing ass.

It's a bit like being at work and your boss says you have to wear white shirts (like at my place). Seems a bit petty at first and sometimes need to go out and buy more which obviously costs money, but in the long term it looks professional and uniform amongst your colleagues.

Plus imagine if you wore a coloured shirt at work occasionally, you may get away with it a couple of times, but ultimately you'll get pulled in and you'd end up down the disciplinary route.

As somebody who has an awful lot of people working for him this is exactly the sort of lack of self discipline I look for daily - it tends to be reflected in their character and ultimately the job they do.....
A&H International
I saw a brand spanking new pair of these in my local charity shop today, in my size. £18. I didn't get them as thought I'd look a right tit in them!