Caution code: player returns to FOP without having removed jewellery as requested

A substitute/substituted player is cautioned for dissent but not sin binned. Only a player can be sin binned. ?

(This place is hilarious.)

I know. That's why I cautioned him and didn't sin bin him.

JamesL started a post effectively asking why he wasn't sin-binned before quickly realising the answer and editing his post accordingly.

One started his subsequent post with "I don't think him being a sub should be much different." He had taken James's post to mean that the fact that he was a sub somehow affected the tolerance level for dissent (which is not what James meant at all).

I explained to One that James's mention of his status of sub was not intended to imply any difference of treatment w.r.t. dissent. You (Yampy) have taken this explanation to mean that James is (or I am) somehow confused as to the correct procedure for temporary dismissals.

I'm fascinated to learn how this post will be misunderstood.
A&H International
I think @Yampy was asking a question and not making a statement. I suspect @Yampy was unaware that a subbed player is not sin binned for dissent. Or have I misunderstood this post as well?
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He had taken James's post to mean that the fact that he was a sub somehow affected the tolerance level for dissent (which is not what James meant at all).
To be clear, I did not think it affected your tolerance level. I though that James thought it did. So I did not misunderstand your post. I misunderstood his.

So, sub or not I would still say with the picture I have in my head, I would not have cautioned. But I have no issue if you did. I wasn't there for the full context and we all have different tolerance level.