How unsporting

A&H International
Thats what i mean, i know there has to be a 2 year gap but personally think it should be more like 5 years so a 17 year old could only do U12s and below.
Oh ok sorry then mate

In my county stats were released that there is 600 more games than affiliated referees
I live in the Home Counties and all youth games are by appointment. Maybe herein (being associated with the home team) is the missing nugget that goes some way to explaining your problems. You can't referee the same team(s) week in week out without problems
I agree with @RefJef , get yourself running a line asap

Most league's in Sheffield are by appointment, but there is a Saturday morning league where the home team have to arrange a ref. I've reffed one team 4 times this season and have been asked to do 7 more. It's accepted without any issues and I've had no problems so far this season.
"Home teams getting their own refs"

This does not compute...

Are you not part of some kind of structure with a refsec/rdo for these games?

You've been refereeing for two years... all games booked by teams rather than leagues with a refsec?
There are 3 different Sunday Leagues in Sheffield, all have ref secretaries. There is also a Saturday afternoon vets league with a ref secretary. I live near the derbyshire border and the league in that County has a ref secretary. However, the Sheffield Fair Play League does not have a ref secretary and the league doesn't involve themselves with referee appointments other than updating a contact list.
"Home teams getting their own refs"

This does not compute...

Are you not part of some kind of structure with a refsec/rdo for these games?

You've been refereeing for two years... all games booked by teams rather than leagues with a refsec?
ALL by home team no ref sec till u18 and above
In Suffolk the FA appoint to all grass roots youth football, the next step up Eastern Junior Alliance and Thurlow Nunn Youth league both have thier own appointment officers. All OA leagues I do have the same.
In my area the adult leagues and county youth league all have a referee appointment officer, and hopefully enough refs to cover the games. So does the east kent youth league, but they have probably 50 games a week to cover at all ages and at most a dozen referees to do them, so most games are left to the home team to sort out. If they are lucky they can find a qualified ref. If not, it’s a coach or parent. This means that Neanderthals like in the op get away with it most of the time so don’t learn, and the team then copy the adult’s behaviour so are a real handful. These tend to be the sides the refsec appoints to, to try to get them under control.
Teams are often texting round at short notice trying to get someone to do a game for them because someone has called off.
The clubs used to put lads who didn’t get regular games through the course, so they got referees for the club to do the younger teams. The county now takes these over so the clubs don’t usually bother paying for training for referees who won’t stay at the club.
There is a real shortage of referees for youth football round here, so it’s all mostly left to the home team to get them. Those they can get tend to be either very young or very old, so they often struggle to deal with stuff like this.
In Joe's county, high rate of abouse and a lot of games without referees. Can anyone else see the correlation or is it just me?

The leagues with too few referees only have themselves to blame. Stop the referee abuse, make an example of those who try it. Enjoy the benefits in long term. A lot of leagues with too much talk but not enough action.
Just back to the original posting - I have PM Joe about this.

From previous conversations with people involved in the CFA process, they prefer separate reports of misconduct. While they can combine reports into a single charge, they have more difficulty spiting a long single report (like Joe's) into multiple charges.

When team A's manager asked for the game to be stopped there was 27 minutes left i said I will blow once the game had been restarted as the other team had just scored to make it 12 - 0.As I was about to blow when a player on team B called an opposing player a "****ing fat ****" at which he received a second yellow and a red card. The team Bmanager came running ONTO the pitch whilst the game was still going ahead as it had not been abandonned yet and came right In my face in the centre circle he was screaming "your a joke" and saying "You can't put that red card through because if you do lad I will make sure you never referee again you will be finished" this was extremely threatening and intimidating at which point I told him to leave the pitch and I had to ask him 3 times as he point blank refussed saying " No I need to have words with you" he eventually left after team A's manager came on and got in between us and told him that he can't abuse the ref like he is doing the team A manager then shouted to his lads "come on lads off the pitch we are going " The game was abandoned at the request of team A's manager as he took his lads off the pitch with the score being 12-0. If it wasn't for the score the game would've been abandoned anyways because of the behaviour of Team B's manager and his players who were calling me names such as "ginger" and "****". When I was signing the sheet with the team A's manager the team B's manager was there and he said "You can't report me mind if you do I'll finish you as a ref you will never referee again it's your choice" I told him that I would be reporting his behaviour at which point he shouted "Ok well I will report you and ill make sure that you never ref again You ****WIT" at this point the team A manager told him that he was in the wrong and to just leave. He kept repeating that he will end my career as a ref and that I was a ****WIT he challenged all my decisions throughout the game and was extremely aggressive after the game. After i signed the sheet he then called his lads over to where I was with my mam and my bag and he encouged his lads to stare and laugh at me whilst I was packing my stuff away. The team A manager said if needed he is willing to put a report in with what the team B manager said to me whilst I was signing the sheet. When I was walking away parents from Team B asked if I would think about not putting a report in I just responded with "The abuse I've just got has to be reported he simply can't get away with that"

Thoughts ? Cheers

1. Manager - for entering the FOP and his comments then,
2. Manager - for his refusing to leave the FOP and threatening behaviour
3. B Team - for their post game attitude and behaviour.

I trust the CFA deals with this with the level of seriousness required and the B Team manager is immediately suspended from ALL football.
In Joe's county, high rate of abouse and a lot of games without referees. Can anyone else see the correlation or is it just me?

The leagues with too few referees only have themselves to blame. Stop the referee abuse, make an example of those who try it. Enjoy the benefits in long term. A lot of leagues with too much talk but not enough action.
Yeah never thought of it that way how silly of me haha
Just back to the original posting - I have PM Joe about this.

From previous conversations with people involved in the CFA process, they prefer separate reports of misconduct. While they can combine reports into a single charge, they have more difficulty spiting a long single report (like Joe's) into multiple charges.

1. Manager - for entering the FOP and his comments then,
2. Manager - for his refusing to leave the FOP and threatening behaviour
3. B Team - for their post game attitude and behaviour.

I trust the CFA deals with this with the level of seriousness required and the B Team manager is immediately suspended from ALL football.
Yeah hopefully he gets some sort of punishment. Shame really when you think about it because it's only for the players to have fun it's not like it's the premier league
Yeah like @Robbe1 said I face this abuse nearly every week so I'm getting used to it and hopefully fa give punishment to the coach

You shouldn't have to get used to it, that's the thing. I don't suppose you live on the border of another county do you? It could be worth trying out another one if available to you as you shouldn't have to put up with this, on what seems like a weekly basis.
You shouldn't have to get used to it, that's the thing. I don't suppose you live on the border of another county do you? It could be worth trying out another one if available to you as you shouldn't have to put up with this, on what seems like a weekly basis.
Nah I'm smack bang in the middle of my county and plus I don't have transport myself but I enjoy refereeing and don't intend to stop anytime soon.
Just back to the original posting - I have PM Joe about this.

From previous conversations with people involved in the CFA process, they prefer separate reports of misconduct. While they can combine reports into a single charge, they have more difficulty spiting a long single report (like Joe's) into multiple charges.

1. Manager - for entering the FOP and his comments then,
2. Manager - for his refusing to leave the FOP and threatening behaviour
3. B Team - for their post game attitude and behaviour.

I trust the CFA deals with this with the level of seriousness required and the B Team manager is immediately suspended from ALL football.
Thanks for advice on separate reports I'll use that next time. No doubt I'll probably be doing another in the coming weeks.
Nah I'm smack bang in the middle of my county and plus I don't have transport myself but I enjoy refereeing and don't intend to stop anytime soon.

Fair enough, was just thinking of potential alternatives. Refereeing is a hobby we all enjoy, abuse is not part of that hobby so it's not fair that you are subjected to this so regularly.
I just think its wrong that any young person of Joes age is reffing games where players are of a similar age.

I spoke with a referee the other day that as soon as he hit 16 years old, he went straight to open age.
He said he'd been refereeing for about a year at this point.
I commend him but I think this is wrong purely because until that point the best he could do was U14. Going from U14 to open age is a huge jump.
He is now going for promotion having just turned 17.
Too much too soon?
Again I commend his enthusiasm and his dedication, but is it too much?
I watched the first 20 minutes or so of his match and barely saw him leave the centre circle. He gave fouls that I felt were not and played on when bad fouls occurred. I put this down to positioning and eventual moaning from both sets of players to let the game flow as he blew for a lot of things.
I spoke with a referee the other day that as soon as he hit 16 years old, he went straight to open age.
He said he'd been refereeing for about a year at this point.
I commend him but I think this is wrong purely because until that point the best he could do was U14. Going from U14 to open age is a huge jump.
He is now going for promotion having just turned 17.
Too much too soon?
Again I commend his enthusiasm and his dedication, but is it too much?
I watched the first 20 minutes or so of his match and barely saw him leave the centre circle. He gave fouls that I felt were not and played on when bad fouls occurred. I put this down to positioning and eventual moaning from both sets of players to let the game flow as he blew for a lot of things.

It depends om the individual whether they cam handle it or not. Some could. Many cannot. As for going for promotiom, I think that will help him significantly. Maybe he had a bad game that day or his inexperience shows through. At least if going for promotion he willl learn the expectations and through observation will have the chance to get advice, learn and develop. There isnt much support after your course otherwise and observations dont usually happen unless you go for promotion or find someone who will give up time to help you.