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      DJIC reacted to FirsFox40's post in the thread Womens ENG V ROI with Like Like.
      Watched it a few times, and can see why it was only a yellow from the Ref’s POV. The final contact is very much a tangling of legs (a...
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      DJIC replied to the thread EURO 2024 Final - Spain V England.
      Did you notice, players were not asked to leave the field, after extended treatment, a considerable time after a yellow card had been...
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      DJIC reacted to Josh the referee's post in the thread EURO 2024 Final - Spain V England with Like Like.
      You can't blow up on 94 mins with the stoppages in that. That's very poor I'm afraid.
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      DJIC replied to the thread All refs to face fitness tests?.
      Could you have something like a 5A & 5B, 6A & 6B etc pay a higher referee fee or end of season bonus for those referees who do take CPD...
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      DJIC reacted to one's post in the thread Debut Season Advice with Like Like.
      . Well played sir In terms of what's nagging and questioning authority and decisions etc, as long as we can agree on its not the same...
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      DJIC reacted to RefereeX's post in the thread Debut Season Advice with Like Like.
      I learned my trade on both the Nene Sunday League and the Saturday Combination. The Nene Sunday league is a Sunday league, so...
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      DJIC reacted to RefereeX's post in the thread England v Slovakia with Like Like.
      Me and you are usually on the same side of the debate but I can’t agree on that. He gave several fouls that simply weren’t fouls at all...
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      DJIC reacted to Russell Jones's post in the thread England v Slovakia with Like Like.
      Even if you choose to support all the first half cautions , the inconsistent choice to then not give a second yellow to Kucka is a...
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      DJIC reacted to RefereeX's post in the thread ESP v GEO with Like Like.
      I personally don't think football expects an IDFK in a situation where a goalkeepers momentum is going to take him out of the area as he...
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      DJIC replied to the thread Spain/Croatia (Oliver).
      Did VAR have the view of PK encroachment from the opposite angle of our TV coverage? Without that is it a guess?
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      DJIC replied to the thread GER v SCO - Euro 24.
      I know you are going to say the way the penalty kick is allowable in law, but I don’t like it as a continuous movement. The feint is...
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      DJIC reacted to Quarryref's post in the thread Referee howler with Like Like.
      I'm sure we've all had that sinking feeling when you know you've dropped one and there is no good way out ..... I think the overarching...
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      Are there any other professions that have successfully fast tracked? Am I losing the plot, thinking a nurse could fast track to a...
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      DJIC replied to the thread CAR’s.
      Likewise in multiple seasons, never had an issue with CARs, what I find is each CAR will be as bad or as good as each other. Often we...
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      DJIC reacted to 24severn's post in the thread Promotions - Season Ending 2024 with Like Like.
      Extremely happy to have received promotion to Level 4 today and also nominated to join FA CORE! ✅✅
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