Spurs vs Liverpool

Yes. Was it deliberate? No. Was the body made unnaturally bigger? No. Did it lead to an immediate goal or scoring chance for Salah? No.
All things considered, was it a handball offence? No.
Yes the body was made unnaturally bigger. His arm is away from the body and bent which allows control. D22C5594-96DE-4392-AFB7-A778ED82BC7E.png
Did it lead to a goal scoring chance? Yes the goalie was literally forced into a save which went straight to TAA who crossed for the goal.
A&H International
What a game this has been

Think the Kane should have been a red. Although I thought the Robinson challenge was poor and was reckless to say the least, but I understand why the RC was given as he did go in with some gusto.

My main issue is that consistency in the application of VAR has spilt through in my opinion.

But - what a corker of a match.
Yes the body was made unnaturally bigger. His arm is away from the body and bent which allows control.

That's never unnatural position plus he's headed the ball onto his hand. Everything in considerations leads to no handball offense here.
The way VAR replayed the Robertson foul was like a horror movie.

Kane - red
Jota - pen
Alli - pen
Robertson - red

For me they are all easy.
And no handball but I think it should have been a pen anyway.

Just insane inconsistency combined with terrible rerefereeing. Disaster for Stockley IMHO.
As a match though awesome and to watch e.g. Trent and Alli go hammer and tongs just brilliant. So sad the headlines will be about the sh**show from the third team. Sorry, but IMHO.
Alli was a dive for me
He went down easy but he still was pushed, still a pen
The way VAR replayed the Robertson foul was like a horror movie.

Kane - red
Jota - pen
Alli - pen
Robertson - red

For me they are all easy.
And no handball but I think it should have been a pen anyway.

Just insane inconsistency combined with terrible rerefereeing. Disaster for Stockley IMHO.
Not here to **** on refs but the last few weeks have genuinely been a disaster. So so many dodgy calls. This game was full of them. VAR is not helping in the slightest and I feel like Rusty said, new guidance has got to come out soon
He went down easy but he still was pushed, still a pen

Not here to **** on refs but the last few weeks have genuinely been a disaster. So so many dodgy calls. This game was full of them. VAR is not helping in the slightest and I feel like Rusty said, new guidance has got to come out soon
Rusty said he felt new guidance was already out.

Really grinds my gears when people sit and call their colleagues decisions dodgy. If you go out and get every decision correct then fair enough but I can pretty certainly say you don't.
No referee in the history of the game ever has..
Can any explain why Kane’s challenge was not referred to the ref to go and have a look at the monitor?
Var didn't think it was a clear and obvious error...

I mean it was but hey ho
Fair enough. Obviously it was more than a yellow, but didn’t hear if there was any response about why it wasn’t reviewed
The problem I have is that probably the least obviously wrong decision across the two games today is the one that has led to a referral. Don't get me wrong, I think Robertson's was a red card, but it wasn't as much as a red card as Kane's, and giving a caution wasn't anywhere near as clear and obvious an error as not giving Newcastle a penalty, and arguably not giving a penalty to Liverpool either. Klopp is I am sure going to talk about consistency, and he will have plenty of grounds for doing so.

I thought VAR had been pretty good this season, but today it has had an absolute nightmare. The Newcastle penalty decision, Kane's challenge, and the clear foul of Jota were all clear and obvious errors but not referred.

Liverpool's second goal was fine, would have been disallowed last season but not under the current laws. And I don't think Alli was fouled, yes there is a hand in the back but there's minimal if any contact, certainly not enough for VAR involvement.
Yes the body was made unnaturally bigger. His arm is away from the body and bent which allows control. View attachment 5348
Did it lead to a goal scoring chance? Yes the goalie was literally forced into a save which went straight to TAA who crossed for the goal.
Where else are we expecting Salah's arm to be here. Its a justifiable position, its actually tucked in so I don't see how anyone can look at that and say its unnaturally bigger.
You've introduced your own concept of control here. This is not in law.
Also I have erred too as @GraemeS points out it is scores in the opponents goal directly with hand or arm or immediately after accidental handball neither of which Salah did so no offence occurs in that respect.
The problem I have is that probably the least obviously wrong decision across the two games today is the one that has led to a referral. Don't get me wrong, I think Robertson's was a red card, but it wasn't as much as a red card as Kane's, and giving a caution wasn't anywhere near as clear and obvious an error as not giving Newcastle a penalty, and arguably not giving a penalty to Liverpool either. Klopp is I am sure going to talk about consistency, and he will have plenty of grounds for doing so.

I thought VAR had been pretty good this season, but today it has had an absolute nightmare. The Newcastle penalty decision, Kane's challenge, and the clear foul of Jota were all clear and obvious errors but not referred.

Liverpool's second goal was fine, would have been disallowed last season but not under the current laws. And I don't think Alli was fouled, yes there is a hand in the back but there's minimal if any contact, certainly not enough for VAR involvement.

I guess I disagree I think Robertson's is worse. I think they're both red cards but Kanes was more of a motion of studs grazing down a shin pad of an elevated foot while Robertson's was a very violent kick which arguably could have broke someone's leg. Robertson's was much more likely to cause serious injury.
I guess I disagree I think Robertson's is worse. I think they're both red cards but Kanes was more of a motion of studs grazing down a shin pad of an elevated foot while Robertson's was a very violent kick which arguably could have broke someone's leg. Robertson's was much more likely to cause serious injury.
There was a hint of retaliation in Robertson too, having just been tackled and dispossessed by said player