The Ref Stop

Youth game match fees

in Suffolk we have 4 set fees for youth.
U18s £30
U13s-U16s £25
U11s-U12s £20
mini soccer £15.
These are all inclusive of travel and are centrally appointed by the FA. The only downside to this is that you only tend to do teams in a certain area as they appoint most of the geographicly. Although as a driver I will get asked the odd favour and have to drive miles to get to a game
This fee thing had slipped my mind, they all seem to make it up as they go along county to county!
The Ref Stop
It can be annoying, especially using public transport. With fixed fees, I’ve ended up using about half of my match fee on trains/taxis. I think it’s fair enough to add your mileage, especially if it’s a long journey
Agree with a number of the previous posters - fees are set by the league in agreement with the clubs, claiming anything other than what you're owed seems very odd to me.

Some leagues I do have a fixed fee, so I obviously don't claim mileage, some other leagues have a lower fee with additional mileage. If that sum comes to (for example) £40.05, I wouldn't claim the extra 5p, but if it comes to something more like £43.70, claim exactly that.
Interesting that the discussion is only about money, not time.

I appreciate that I am in the enviable position that it’s not about the money for me - I’m not rolling in it, but I’m at a stage in life that I’d describe as comfortable: I don’t need to supplement my main income - so for me a bigger factor is time: ideally I only want to be travelling about 20 mins, certainly no more than 30, to a game.

Unless it’s an occasional one off to help out, distance/time is more important to the fee for me.