The Ref Stop

Youth game match fees


Active Member
Level 4 Referee
Had a chat with a couple of referees a few months ago about youth fixture fees. They both said they either don't charge mileage, or very little if it's quite a distance. I think it's a nice touch, but I'd never done that and feel bad (ish) charging mileage too. For context, U15/16 is £18 plus 30p per mile each way and U13/14 is £15 plus mileage in my area.

I'm not for or against either taking or not taking it, I was just a bit taken back and wanted to get more opinions of people that do youth games on here. I've also been offered to 'name my price' by a team who don't get a referee given for any home games!
The Ref Stop
In my area we get a £5 fixed mileage fee for round trips up to 20 miles. Above 20 miles we get 35p per mile but I'll usually let anything up to 25 miles go before I start calculating and claiming the extra.
Charge it, the fees and mileage are set for a reason. It's funny to see people turning it down as my local Referee's Society has been voting on sending proposals to the league to raise the mileage as we're still behind on mileage rates compared to all the other local counties. :)
Never charged for mileage and don't know anyone who does

Then you become "last weeks referee" on this issue. If somebody else charges the correct fee and expenses, they could get "last weeks referee was only £**" and he came from the same place. Clubs approve the rates at their AGM, so they cannot complain when you correctly charge them.

If you feel guilty about taking their money, spend it in their clubhouse on sweets or donate to the local RA....:rolleyes:
Then you become "last weeks referee" on this issue. If somebody else charges the correct fee and expenses, they could get "last weeks referee was only £**" and he came from the same place. Clubs approve the rates at their AGM, so they cannot complain when you correctly charge them.

If you feel guilty about taking their money, spend it in their clubhouse on sweets or donate to the local RA....:rolleyes:
Then my whole County is full of 'last week's refs' because I've never encountered a colleague anywhere who claims mileage. Unheard of AFAIK
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My Sunday league match fees are fixed by the League and don’t include mileage.

Makes it easy, no discussion, everyone knows what the fees are

£37.50 for an u13 game is very generous - albeit the high amount is often raised by clubs if a ref has a bad game
Our online system calculates all mileage automatically or let’s you get back public transport ticket money.

The other week offered to give an older AR a lift... he was all hush hush... in the car he said that the other AR will grass him for claiming bus money... later I realised that our system would have allowed me to claim double for the lift!

Anyway I laughed off the grass comment - surely not - but sure enough next day email went round - he’d been grassed, everyone got warned not to claim if they get a lift!
Come to Yorkshire, some referees claim for fraction of miles!!!

It's not unusual to see Google maps out when calculating mileage here in Yorkshire! I claim mileage and round it down. It just seems odd asking for £28.25p etc. I'd never charge over the odds obviously.
The idea of asking for anything other than the expectant fixed match fee... would not sit comfortably with me (for want of a better description)
I would indeed be 'last week's, this week's and next week's ref'
The idea of asking for anything other than the expectant fixed match fee... would not sit comfortably with me (for want of a better description)
I would indeed be 'last week's, this week's and next week's ref'

That's the point, if it is a fixed match fee you simply cannot ask for expenses.
How come some threads decend into just tekkin pizz out of our short armed deep pocketed East Yorkshire members....

I won't be charging expenses for this joke, but you can make a contribution to your favourite charity.....:)

A Yorkshireman's wife dies and the widower decides that her headstone should have the words "she were thine" engraved on it. He calls the stone mason, who assures him that the headstone will be ready a few days after the funeral. True to his word the stone mason calls the widower to say that the headstone is ready and would he like to come and have a look.

When the widower gets there he takes one look at the stone to see that it's been engraved "she were thin".
He explodes, 'Blimey man, you've left the "e" out.'

The stone mason apologises and assures the poor widower that it will be rectified the following morning. Next day comes and the widower returns to the stone mason, 'There you go sir, I've put the "e" on the stone for you.'The widower looks at the stone and then reads out aloud, 'E, she were thin.'
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in Suffolk we have 4 set fees for youth.
U18s £30
U13s-U16s £25
U11s-U12s £20
mini soccer £15.
These are all inclusive of travel and are centrally appointed by the FA. The only downside to this is that you only tend to do teams in a certain area as they appoint most of the geographicly. Although as a driver I will get asked the odd favour and have to drive miles to get to a game