The Ref Stop

Open Age Would you have done the same?

You're both right , and if I'm fortunate enough to get promoted, and then end up doing lines on Step4 fixtures, I certainly think I'll enjoy it more. The quality of the games I am doing and the lack of discipline towards me has been quite tiresome in recent months.
Blimey, I've just had a couple of bad games and haven't enjoyed it at all. Very few people enjoy lining as much as reffing, so it's hardly a massive revelation. And in my (very personal) case, doing lots of lines at L4 is a means to an end. Its like work,, I don't enjoy it but I have to do it to get to where I want to be.

Just think if you do become a L4, you could have a NAR who is an enthusiastic as you. Think about how you would approach such a person and what you can change in yourself.

If you think that being a NAR on Contrib matches is easier, be very much mistaken. They can be 10 times quicker than you are use to. Also you will be lining in front of 10 people and a dog, at Contrib you could be in front of hundreds to "encourage you". How will you deal with the fans who insult you.

At these matches, referees are expect to manage the game and therefore will limit what do for dissent, etc.

Yes @Padfoot will all know it is wrong, but that is what happens! :p

Also as you progress above L4, the only time you will referee more games than you line is when you become a L1!
The Ref Stop