Witnessing another ref "not sending them in"


RefChat Addict
Stood watching a Sunday league team that a few mates of mine play for, in a league I've never reffed on.
Friend of mine earns an absolute stone wall caution for a reckless tackle.
At the final whistle I heard the referee say clear as a bell "I won't send that caution in but tell your mate to calm down a bit"!!!!!!

Now, having already informed county of a referee doing this last season I'm thinking do I really want to do this again?
I take no pleasure in the act but I fail to see how I cannot follow this up.

What the f*** is wrong with refs in this county!!!!
A&H International
report ...

I did this once as a very green and very naïve 14 year old ! let the manager talk me out of sending it in ... boy did my Uncle give me a rollocking for it!
Reminds of the referee I ran the line to on Sunday.....

Turned up 10 mins before KO...league rules state 30 mins.....proceeded to tell me and the other AR about a team he reffed the week before with a few cautions that he never sent in.....and then allowed the home no.10 to call me a cheat twice without doing a thing. The second time I was stood there, flag raised, calling for his attention and got point blank ignored!
Any reason why some proactive management at the time wouldn't be better? Something like "Excuse me ref, as a fellow referee I'm sure you appreciate the importance of putting those cautions through. I'm sure you weren't being serious with what you said, etc...."

Maybe I'm too nice, but I'd rather get the guy to do it himself. I'd still call the RDO, but by that time the cautions would have appeared online and then that ref is only getting a polite warning which should have the same effect.
I used to coach a youth team. I would never have asked a referee not to report something but I recall several instances where players were cautioned yet we received no disciplinary notification from the league. I assumed that the referees had, for some reason, not submitted their reports. Quite simply, we are paid to do a job as referees and part of that job includes administration and reporting. If you're not doing this then you're not doing your job (and making it difficult for those who are).
Reminds of the referee I ran the line to on Sunday.....

Turned up 10 mins before KO...league rules state 30 mins.....proceeded to tell me and the other AR about a team he reffed the week before with a few cautions that he never sent in.....and then allowed the home no.10 to call me a cheat twice without doing a thing. The second time I was stood there, flag raised, calling for his attention and got point blank ignored!

Some games you really consider just walking off the line.....
I had a youth coach tell me "You better send those in" on Sunday after booking a few of his players... Some are actually all for their players being fined and disciplined when they've been a bit stupid in games. Obviously, I did send them in.
We've just had a county-wide email reminding all referees of their duty to submit everything within two days of the match. It appears that referees are either deliberately not submitting cautions etc, or are simply very, very poor at paperwork. Similar scenario to a others above. My son got cautioned in a game two months ago. As club secretary, I get all of the misconduct notifications from WGS, and nothing ever appeared for that card...
Stood watching a Sunday league team that a few mates of mine play for, in a league I've never reffed on.
Friend of mine earns an absolute stone wall caution for a reckless tackle.
At the final whistle I heard the referee say clear as a bell "I won't send that caution in but tell your mate to calm down a bit"!!!!!!

Now, having already informed county of a referee doing this last season I'm thinking do I really want to do this again?
I take no pleasure in the act but I fail to see how I cannot follow this up.

What the f*** is wrong with refs in this county!!!!
I agree with you but not what you have at the bottom of your account its not a badge of honour how many cards r/y penalties etc come on
OA Middles: 24
Cautions: 81 (C1 x43, C2 x36, other x2)
Sendings Off: 5 (OFFINABUS x2, VC x2, S7)
Penalties: 19
it is also our job to look at prevention of these cards too ie your match control
I agree with you but not what you have at the bottom of your account its not a badge of honour how many cards r/y penalties etc come on
OA Middles: 24
Cautions: 81 (C1 x43, C2 x36, other x2)
Sendings Off: 5 (OFFINABUS x2, VC x2, S7)
Penalties: 19
it is also our job to look at prevention of these cards too ie your match control

It's the very opposite of a badge of honour Mike, it's a wall of shame!
Player behaviour is the worst it's ever been. My signature shows how ridiculous it is.
I totally understand I do keep a record of all cautions/ send offs but there for my records and I agree that player behaviour is not getting better at all levels of the game but we keep going hoping to educate them and guide them to better behaviour
I don't get why people keep track.

I don't know how many I've done this year. Don't see how it helps? It'd be like keeping track of how much in fines you've made CFA you just wouldn't do it!
I don't get why people keep track.

I don't know how many I've done this year. Don't see how it helps? It'd be like keeping track of how much in fines you've made CFA you just wouldn't do it!

Do we really have to go through this nonsense again. Some refs choose to keep "stats" here on the forum of a way of keeping track of their season, myself included, whilst some don't. The merits or otherwise of this have been done to death on the forum already!
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they are personnel not public I keep for the reason of checking season to season to see if up or down if up am I doing something wrong ditto if down but each to his own
Left fielding again - but do you have any obligation, or right to report?

Are you not just another 'spectator' at said match, in the overall scheme of things? You are not an appointed official for this game, and as we've already said elsewhere the "I am a referee too" argument when dealing with players etc in games so would the referee in question be within his/her rights to dismiss your comments in the same vein? Perhaps.

Indeed, can you prove that they weren't sent in? Have you ever been asked not to send in and said nothing at all? Sometimes this is interpreted as "I've had a word and he won't put it through." when in fact the opposite is true.

I am not condoning the actions of the other referee, but nobody likes a tattle-tale, or dare I say snitch? Not necessarily my opinion, but there will be people who view you as this.You can damage yourself by getting a reputation as the stab-in-the-back guy which undermines you as a referee amongst your colleagues.

If you're involved with a club however then the game changes. "Dear disciplinary department. My player Piece Oftheaction was booked in the game against FC Nomarks. I've not seen anything from you yet. Can you please advise?" The referee gets the message from the CFA, starting with a did you forget to send it in? before building up to a formal reminder or responsibilities.

They get found out; they get caught and lose their games eventually. It doesn't make our lives easier if they don't send them in but that is how it is.
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isn't that what your match record pad is for and team sheet ??
Somehow I've managed to overtype myself. No, my electronic record in Excel keeps further details, and tbh match pads get trashed by water, Powerade and heaven knows what else. Teamsheets are sent to the league post-match. I don't get a copy to retain.
I keep records so I can check before every game to see if there repeat offenders I need to keep a particularly close eye on.