The Ref Stop

Which side do you make CARs stand on?


New Member
Do you have a particular side on which you put the home and the away CAR? I've heard contradicting opinions on both so it would be good to get your thoughts.
The Ref Stop
Do you have a particular side on which you put the home and the away CAR? I've heard contradicting opinions on both so it would be good to get your thoughts.
I've never seen it done any other way than monitoring their own defence.

Across the three leagues I do with CARs, it is written that they cover the defensive half.

Less aggro for the CARs as they will have lots of their own players around them, unlikely to see a flashpoint.
I too have always seen CARs put with their own defence (and in Australia always on left back side). A big reason for this is that it causes less hassle if they are useless or cheating. Numerous wrong offside calls are easier to deal with than goals being allowed that should have been offside.
With the refereeing course fresh in my mind, we were told it's always left backs. Reason being, over time, you get used to the position of your AR and keeping them in your eyeline and where to look for offside calls.

If your question is more related to whether CARs should be with their own defence or attack, unsure whether there is written guidance, but my experience and opinion should always be with their own defence. It's the lesser of two evils if they feel the need to cheat.

I think you have more chance of being credible in over ruling a CAR, especially an excessively flagging one, on their own defence than trying to call an offside that a CAR isn't flagging.

If a CAR misses an offside on their own defence that leads to a goal, the defenders will most likely take it out on the CAR, not you. If the CAR refuses to flag an obvious offside goal for their own team, both you and the CAR are going to get pelters from the opposition.
If you are in England, you were probably taught on your course to have them on their own defence at left back. That way is the easiest. I find a lot of the time they patrol the whole touchline anyway because they can’t follow instructions but once they are in the wrong half I use the other one.