Junior/Youth When to use your voice...

Will Triffitt

Well-Known Member
Level 7 Referee
Last weekend I refereed a U15 game. All went very well and finished blue 12 red 2 (3-2 at ht). it was a very high tempo game but well contested and not too many fouls and nothing really to worry about. However a near incident has made me think about when it is right to use voice. About 10/15 minutes from the end of the game, blue go on the counter attack, they pass to the striker (9) who sprints down the middle of the attacking half. He is chased by red 22 (defender). In the game, whilst red 22 had not made any fouls, he had been very clumsy with his body and sure to give one away sooner or later (he did!) Blue 9 was about 10 yards from the edge of the penalty area and red 22 was closing him down. 22 started to gently push the blue player. If he had pushed harder and 9 went down, it's a red card offence for DOGSO. I was going to shout "don't foul" as it is something we are told to do but i realised that by saying that, the blue player would potentially go down either by a push or as simulation leaving a big decision to make. Was I right to not shout "don't foul" knowing that the striker could use that as an opportunity to go down or should I have said it and then dealt with what happened later? I was positioned right at about 7 o'clock if the players are at 12. Luckily the striker had a shot and it went wide and no foul made. If this is complicated, sorry and I am happy to clarify where needed
A&H International
If you haven't been shouting all game then don't start there. If you have then carry on and scream your head off!

I'd try use different words though. 'No foul boys', 'Steady boys', 'Tidy boys' are my words of choice. Means you're talking to both teams.

It's all personal choice though to be honest
Not a big fan of 'no foul' - I'm a fan, of 'steady'. If there is pushing 'watching the arms / arms down'
Hi Will,
I disagree with your argument that the attacker will take a dive upon hearing you. I don't see any reason for them to consciously make the decision 'the referee has said something....that means he's watching....so he knows something is going on....hey maybe I should....yeah, that's given me an idea....I wonder if this will work.......'
If he's a diver he's going to take the dive regardless of what you say. And if he goes down (legitimately or not) you have a big decision to make anyway - you shouting won't make that any less of a decision. In fact, what you sometimes find in these situations when you give the foul is the players will yell at their own teammate "what are you doing? The referee told you to keep your hands down!!". Not often but it's fantastic when it does happen.
If you can see the hands are starting to get involved then a shout of 'hands down!' or 'watch the hands!' will do the trick. A lot of referees I know like to use 'nothing silly!'. It just might be enough to prevent a DOGSO foul and penalty, which is a great impact.

One thing worth considering though - in this scenario I would not even contemplate saying anything as the defender is approaching from out of the attacker's view. The one thing you don't want to do is warn the player of an approaching opponent!