I wear my kit under my tracksuit, as changing rooms are never warm enough but i was considering wearing trousers,shirt,tie and decent pair shoes....like was said first impressions...........
For my sunday league there is NEVER changing rooms for me so i wear an expedia badged tracksuit with shorts underneath, ill warm up in my training shirt and change into my match shirt. For Everton academy ill wear a suit and LCFA tie
Warm up? I just have the heating on full wack and wear my thermals on a Sunday this time of year. That's what the first half is for to warm up isn't it?
now that made me giggleI am experimenting with the "robin Friday" look. Thick fur coat, cowboy boots and nothing else.
Makes an impact
Some days I dress less formally.
what country do you referee in. sorry just seen its france, i like how you are told how to dress it means every referee has to make an effortIn here I would probably be reported if I'd turn up in a ground in tracksuit and would expect 2 to 3 games suspension and some penalty points for my final season grade.