Vardy red

I think it's more difficult for those of us who've been in and around the game for decades. I used to go in like Vardy did, expecting to get my team up for it. Never went for the player, but didn't hold back either
A&H International
Any contact could break a leg, even fair contact, facts of this case are that Vardy didn’t break his leg! Yes, in today’s game this is now frowned upon as safety of opponents etc, I respect that, but for well over 100 years this was a box standard clearance tackle that probably wasn’t even a card!

I only had one or two Saturdays players capable of this however there were many niandathals capable of this on sundays.
When I saw this in real time everything about Vardy screamed totally p*ssed off and going in to nail the opponent.

Lost his temper, plain and simple.
When I saw this in real time everything about Vardy screamed totally p*ssed off and going in to nail the opponent.

Lost his temper, plain and simple.
Vardy has been sent off for a carbon copy tackle in the past. He does see red metaphorically and literally
Any contact could break a leg, even fair contact, facts of this case are that Vardy didn’t break his leg! Yes, in today’s game this is now frowned upon as safety of opponents etc, I respect that, but for well over 100 years this was a box standard clearance tackle that probably wasn’t even a card!

I only had one or two Saturdays players capable of this however there were many niandathals capable of this on sundays.
Sheff, you're right in that any tackle could break a leg. However SFP is based on the risk of serious injury. My radar didn't detect this with risk with Hayden, but Vardy is what he is and he went in far too forcefully.
I'm sure we've both missed a lot of memos. I think some people on here have lost all touch with what it's like at L7
Nobody gives two hoots about our development, unless we're kids
Wasn’t Fashanu sent off on the stretcher somewhere? HIllsborough maybe, not sure, anyone remember it? :poop:
That lot liked a tackle! :angel:
Yes, in today’s game this is now frowned upon as safety of opponents etc, I respect that, but for well over 100 years this was a box standard clearance tackle that probably wasn’t even a card!
SF - you've said this about it being a 'clearance tackle' a couple of times now but it wasn't. Vardy was about ten yards outside the Wolves' penalty area involved in an attacking move when he made the tackle having just lost control of the ball after being challenged by a Wolves defender. For me, it was typical of the kind of ill-considered, out-of-control tackle that players often make when they're ticked off at having lost the ball and go lunging in dangerously to try to recover from their mistake. He wasn't clearing the ball, he was desperately trying to get back to it and basically lost all semblance of self-control in doing so.

I would tend to agree with @Tealeaf that:
everything about Vardy screamed totally p*ssed off and going in to nail the opponent.

Incidentally, it's almost identical in nature to the red card he got against Stoke in December 2016, so it's obviously something he has in his make-up.

It could also do with the fact that a tackle by a professional footballer generally occurs at a higher speed and force than a vast majority of grass roots tackles.

Speed perhaps, but given the more ‘robust’ frame of many of the Sunday league players I’ve reffed in my time, I wouldn’t be so sure about the amount of force that ends up in some of their tackles. There’s plenty of force behind a 16 stone fella, no matter how slow he’s going!
I’m assuming he’s not appealing it? He’s not happy!
Is there a gauge for excessive force? What force is excessive? Very very subjective really. Is any force whatsoever excessive?BD319FFE-2FB4-403B-BB8B-5344A0B3A904.jpeg
SF - you've said this about it being a 'clearance tackle' a couple of times now but it wasn't.

Very Picky today Peter, you perfectly understand the term ‘clearance tackle’ in the sense that I used it and it doesn’t just apply to defenders. He went in took ball and man in a clearance way, Now, back to your books!
Speed perhaps, but given the more ‘robust’ frame of many of the Sunday league players I’ve reffed in my time, I wouldn’t be so sure about the amount of force that ends up in some of their tackles. There’s plenty of force behind a 16 stone fella, no matter how slow he’s going!
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Momentum = mass x velocity
= Vardy x quite fast
= Breath of wind
= Yellow at worst
Or red for looking like a weasel