socal lurker
RefChat Addict
I think if you gave the keeper a double caution on that in a professional game it would be the last professional game you reffed.I’m still an outlier & believe it is negligible force. More a push than a strike.
Anyone for caution GK for AA & second caution GK for simulation = Red.
BTW GK wasn't cautioned.
You can make a case for cautioning the instigation—though there is zero chance it would be cautioned if not for the retaliation.
And even aside from the double caution implausibility, can you find a single example of a professional game in which a victim of VC has been cautioned for exaggerating the VC? We’ve debated on here whether it is technically permissible, but it’s pretty clear that it would be a “gotcha” call in how the game is played today.