Tolerance level too high?


Well-Known Member
Level 5 Referee
I’ve been reflecting over the past season and it’s been picked up more than once that my tolerance level for dissent is high.

I am just wondering what your thoughts are.
Generally, for a ‘f*ck off’ in my direction, I give a sin bin (or yellow card if no sin bins apply).
‘What the f*ck are you doing?!’ I will sin bin.
Those type of stuff.
I’ve had two red card this season for OFFINABUS and one was for calling me a f*cking cheat.
The other was for saying ‘f*ck you, ref, and putting his finger up at me (this was after the game). I think those are both east striaght red cards.

But it seems to be a fine line between a ‘f*ck off’ and a f*ck you’.

Acouple of other referees that I’ve spoken to have said that they give red cards for that.
I’ve come across a few who give straight red cards for any swearing directly at them and just general disagreement they will sin bin.

What’s everyone else’s tolerance level like?
A&H International
What level? In the games I do (up to 19U), all of those are clear send offs for me. in the adult leagues I have played in, I also expect all of the. Would be straight red and no one would argue. But I also recognize that word has more resonance on this side of the pond
As a simple rule of thumb, worth remembering that Dissent is OBVIOUS disagreement with a decision. Obviousness of the disagreement often arises from some combination of the three 'P's - Public, Provocative & Persistent (which is why Dissent by Action is even easier to take action against as it nearly always ticks the first two of these)

For the comments to tip over into OFFINABUS, generally a fourth P is also present ... Personal. Hence, for me at least ...
"Ref, that's effin ****", Yellow Card,
"Ref, You're effin ****", Red Card.
As ever though, level and temperature of game will likely impact :)
All about context.. and I suppose this comes with experience.

A frustration ‘oh **** off’ at a decision is likely to be in the bin for me - or at least a public dressing down. To add context - if it was the 80th minute of a really nice easy game and someone did it - I would probably be reluctant to get the cards out If I hadn’t already.

I agree with both of your reds above, I would have done the same.

I would just set your stall out early with what you are willing to accept - you don’t have to necessarily use cards to do this. Use the captain to your advantage, tell them at the start that you are going to require their help to keep their players in line before the cards come out - then use them during the game.
I find myself in a similar position to you @dylanbailey4444 .I have sent off for OFFINABUS 3 times last season, 2 of which were for death threats/threats of violence against me, and one for f'ing cheat, which then turned into threats.

I've picked up 20 SinBins however, so I'm not afraid of using it and penalising it, I just find if someone shouts 'F off' towards me, I find it less personal, and more frustration, so depending on the context of the game, I think it's incredibly rare I'd be reaching for my back pocket in those situations.

I think there's also an element of the fact that at grassroots level, you get so much, that if you penalised everything, you'd spend so long collecting names and waving cards, you'd have no game, so some of it is about picking which players to SinBin, and your time in the game to use it, in order to have the best effect.

Maybe my bar is too low, but then again, I've done Step 5-7 lines where really blatant offences are totally ignored. In fact, at those levels I think there's a problem with far too many older refs refusing to use the SinBin, and using C1-AA instead, meaning they're a bit of a rarity
What level? In the games I do (up to 19U), all of those are clear send offs for me. in the adult leagues I have played in, I also expect all of the. Would be straight red and no one would argue. But I also recognize that word has more resonance on this side of the pond
It’s a mix of levels. I got promoted at the end of last season so I have been given some middles at county u23 level, and then I also do some grassroots stuff and childrens football.
As a simple rule of thumb, worth remembering that Dissent is OBVIOUS disagreement with a decision. Obviousness of the disagreement often arises from some combination of the three 'P's - Public, Provocative & Persistent (which is why Dissent by Action is even easier to take action against as it nearly always ticks the first two of these)

For the comments to tip over into OFFINABUS, generally a fourth P is also present ... Personal. Hence, for me at least ...
"Ref, that's effin ****", Yellow Card,
"Ref, You're effin ****", Red Card.
As ever though, level and temperature of game will likely impact :)
That’s perfect- thank you, Russell.
I appreciate that.
I find myself in a similar position to you @dylanbailey4444 .I have sent off for OFFINABUS 3 times last season, 2 of which were for death threats/threats of violence against me, and one for f'ing cheat, which then turned into threats.

I've picked up 20 SinBins however, so I'm not afraid of using it and penalising it, I just find if someone shouts 'F off' towards me, I find it less personal, and more frustration, so depending on the context of the game, I think it's incredibly rare I'd be reaching for my back pocket in those situations.

I think there's also an element of the fact that at grassroots level, you get so much, that if you penalised everything, you'd spend so long collecting names and waving cards, you'd have no game, so some of it is about picking which players to SinBin, and your time in the game to use it, in order to have the best effect.

Maybe my bar is too low, but then again, I've done Step 5-7 lines where really blatant offences are totally ignored. In fact, at those levels I think there's a problem with far too many older refs refusing to use the SinBin, and using C1-AA instead, meaning they're a bit of a rarity
Agreed. It’s a difficult situation to be in sometimes. It can be a very fine line between dissent and OFFINABUS. I do a lot of step 5-6 lines and I had a player look at me when I had given a goal kick (he wanted a corner), the referee (level 4) agreed with me and the player looked at me, then the ref, then me and shouted ‘f*ck off, Lino’ and ran off. Nothing happened and no one batted an eye lid.
Agreed. It’s a difficult situation to be in sometimes. It can be a very fine line between dissent and OFFINABUS. I do a lot of step 5-6 lines and I had a player look at me when I had given a goal kick (he wanted a corner), the referee (level 4) agreed with me and the player looked at me, then the ref, then me and shouted ‘f*ck off, Lino’ and ran off. Nothing happened and no one batted an eye lid.
Yeah, I do think its a problem on 5-7 lines that I've done, blatant OFFINABUS and Dissent is just ignored, and for people who are just moving into open age, like I was last season, it doesn't set the best tone on how to deal with dissent, I find it quite frustrating.

Ultimately, your tolerance level will always be personal, but there's some stuff that can't be ignored. I've had someone call me a "Soft f*cking c*nt" before now, and only SinBinned, but I get the feeling I really should've walked him that day