The Referee - Game two and a first sending off!

Saturday was in theory the highest level of football I will get to Ref on this season. Div 1 of our local supply league. The home side was new to this level of football where the away side had been in the division for a few years.
The first half was straight forward enough. Home side leading 1-0 at the break. I had not a great deal to do other than manage corners, where the same two players decided to stand with the keeper blocking him. I decided on the 3rd one to pull the two players out and have a word. This worked to an extent as the defending player switched for the rest of the half.

The second half though was a bit more eventful. After about 5 minutes of the half, two players had gone in for a challenge. As one got up and broke away with the ball. An opponent stood across him blocking him off completely. Easy first caution.
5 minutes later and two players are having words with one another. Nothing major, until a team mate of the home player comes up and pushes his head into his opponent. It would be drastic to call it a head butt, however it was still violent. Straight forward red card. The only after thought I had was for the inital two players if a caution would have helped match control there. However in honesty they didnt do anything, so would have been a hard sell.
The next 35 minutes resulted in a further 6 cautions. Four of them were straight forward late tackles or tackles from behind. A further one was for dissent when a player who's team mate had just handled the ball, decided to call me an idiot. What annoyed me there was why didnt the player who had handled the ball not speak up and save his team mate a caution?
There is though one more caution and the most stupid caution I have ever given. Ball goes out deep in the away side half. Appears to me to have gone for a throw in. The defending side though say its gone for a goal kick. I look to my club assistants, one is on his mobile and shrugs so he cant confirm if its gone for a throw. The other is no where near in line and gives me no clue if its a goal kick.
So I stick with the throw in. Now clever chap asks me, "Shall I take it where it went out?". I respond "Yes Please". Now I should have guessed what's coming next. He decides to take a goal kick by throwing the ball as its a throw in. I informed him, try it again and he can have a second yellow to join the one he is about to receive!. As I pointed out to a team mate of his, don't have to agree with me. However don't take the piss.
A&H International