
Definitely at L4 and below, you are required to follow correct cautioning procedures. A "quick card" will get you a development point and possible mark down. The FA refereeing dept is very clear on this. I believe that it is also required at L3 but cannot be certain.
Yes, the process goes up to L3.
Not strictly fully true though. Whilst the referee must do the full process (name, isolation etc), when the regional L4 meetings happened a couple of years back, they talked about appropriate use of the quick card technique to diffuse situations. They did stress that after the quick card, the remainder of the process is to be done "properly", and to be wary of overusing the quick card, which would result in minus marks
A&H International
It's a very easy mistake to make if you've just noted something in the wrong column, or couldn't read your own writing. It's the fact that his team didn't pick up on it that I found inexplicable.
i found that odd aswell, two assistant referees and a 4th official, you would expect two of the three of them to be backing up his notes
I think alot nowadays is done on the Full Time website, not like the old days when you had to complete a team sheet and send it in by Tuesday or risk a £10 fine. In the junior leagues here, there are no rules regarding that I must have a teamsheet as a referee. As the secretary of my club, there is however rules that I must complete the Full Time teamsheet within 2 working days of the fixture.
Definitely at L4 and below, you are required to follow correct cautioning procedures. A "quick card" will get you a development point and possible mark down. The FA refereeing dept is very clear on this. I believe that it is also required at L3 but cannot be certain.
The taking of a name is still required at L3. The "tv style" flash of the card wins no points from me and many of my colleagues.

I think alot nowadays is done on the Full Time website, not like the old days when you had to complete a team sheet and send it in by Tuesday or risk a £10 fine. In the junior leagues here, there are no rules regarding that I must have a teamsheet as a referee. As the secretary of my club, there is however rules that I must complete the Full Time teamsheet within 2 working days of the fixture.
David I administer the website for our local Sunday League and we require the submission of a teamsheet by the clubs so Full Time can be updated. It took me 5 years to get the league to accept that they could rely on Full Time as the sole source of information for fixtures!

Do you happen top know Dudders by the way? He's RN like you and in the same neck of the woods.
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