The Ref Stop

Surprising stuff

Not sure

New Member
Level 7 Referee
Hi guys
It’s so strange this season for me as a 16 year old referee honestly from being one of the worst referees this season surprised I haven’t even quitted to refereeing an u13 semi final for my county all in one season like wow it’s been interesting to be fair
My referee development officer gave me a 4th official appointment in an u14 cup final in may
And has recommended promotion to me for next season to level 6 but as this moment of time I’m not really sure
But there’s an improvement I could do better
Does anyone have any tips on how to deal with behaviour in youth football? as I think That’s what I lack in the most as I tend to warn the players then caution them rather than a straight caution
But overall refereeing is so strange especially refereeing a semi final as I was told I was the youngest ever referee selected to do one apparently so but yeah all surprising to me but as always I can never miss playing football
My county Middlesex fa if anyone is trying to know.
The Ref Stop
Well done. Be proud. Your colleagues obviously believe in you!

There’s no simple answer. You are 16. If you enjoy it, you’ve got plenty of time to develop. I’m jealous - I wish I’d started at 15 and not 39!

To develop your skills, gain confidence and grow self control (emotional maturity etc) takes time, mentoring, self-assessment and experience.

Just by posting what you have shows incredible maturity.

I only have one tip - run the line as much as you can to work with better referees on better matches. Watch them, listen to how they handle players, ask them why they do certain things, experience much harder situations to prepare you for your own matches.

Above all enjoy it. Take your time. There will be set backs, times when players/benches will dishearten you, but stay confident. You have such great potential!
There are a number of things that I can suggest that may help with behaviour management.

Consistency is the main thing. Players get a great sense of injustice when the referee deals with the same incident differently or appears to be giving decisions one way. Communicate clearly and don't be patronising. Praise good play and good discipline, that works very well at youth level.

Try to show some compassion and create an understanding of the players thoughts and reasons for the behaviour. The reasons mostly in junior football come from the poor behaviour on the side-lines. If there is an abusive parent or coach that is left un-checked, the players will copy that behaviour. If adults are showing no respect for the referee, the players won't so nip in the bud any poor line behaviour as soon as possible.

For particularly challenging players, use their first name during the match and talk to them throughout. When you make a decision, be firm and decisive. If you are making a decision against a troublesome player, give them an out by walking away as soon as possible. If you are challenging someone about their behaviour and continue to challenge them they may feel backed into a corner and react in a negative way, they don't want to lose face in front of their mates so by you then moving away to a new position, they can calm down and reflect and hopefully improve.

Finally, if that fails, try to use humour.

Behaviour management tends to come with age and life experience
Are you a member of your local RA, asking a member or mentor to come & watch one of your matches. What does your body language look like, are your hand signals decisive, all help you in match control. Keep analysing your performance, could you have been proactive, did something you did or didn’t do contribute to the issue you are next confronted with? Keep enjoying it, well done on your cup appointments.
Hi guys
It’s so strange this season for me as a 16 year old referee honestly from being one of the worst referees this season surprised I haven’t even quitted to refereeing an u13 semi final for my county all in one season like wow it’s been interesting to be fair
My referee development officer gave me a 4th official appointment in an u14 cup final in may
And has recommended promotion to me for next season to level 6 but as this moment of time I’m not really sure
But there’s an improvement I could do better
Does anyone have any tips on how to deal with behaviour in youth football? as I think That’s what I lack in the most as I tend to warn the players then caution them rather than a straight caution
But overall refereeing is so strange especially refereeing a semi final as I was told I was the youngest ever referee selected to do one apparently so but yeah all surprising to me but as always I can never miss playing football
My county Middlesex fa if anyone is trying to know.

Absolutely key to any refs development is doing lines and learning from the refs.