Spartan sth 13th min abandonment

A&H International
Sounds like one of those situations where everyone involved will have a different story and perspective on what happened.
Sounds like one of those situations where everyone involved will have a different story and perspective on what happened.

At that level of football....to abandon a game because of spectator involvement, without apparently approaching either club to request that they control/remove the offender, is very very bizarre.

To be honest, engaging spectators at any level of football is rarely advisable.

The only different perspective that will justify the abandonment is if the spectator had physically threatened or actually assualted the referee......if its just verbals, then get the home club to deal with it and crack on.

The home clubs perspective..... http://www.holmergreenfc.co.uk/teams/33921/match-centre/0-3499488
I'm trying to get a handle on what level of football this is and what level the referee would be. Semi - pro type standard judging by Wikipedia?
I'm trying to get a handle on what level of football this is and what level the referee would be. Semi - pro type standard judging by Wikipedia?

Step 5, supply league. So in non-league in England you have National League (step 1) refereed by 2As, National League North / South (step 2) refereed by 2Bs, contributory leagues (step 3 and 4) refereed by level 3s, then supply leagues (step 5) refereed by level 4s.

I might get corrected as in some parts of the country the steps are slightly different, but that is how it is in the South where this game was played. So it was a game in the 9th tier in the country.
I'd be pretty surprised if there wasn't more to it than this.
However people forget refs are people. Man could have had his missus leave him, his dog die, been fired......
Maybe these Southern softies need the remaining 2 Northern Amigos down there to sort you lot out? You need to put some froth on your beer for a start!!

Geez, when I turn up to certain grunt teams they think I'm God... I can hear them now..... 'Oh God, its that T*** again'!!! ;)
Growing a thick skin to supporters is part of the game. I have been called all sorts, it used to bother me but now I smile. Most get carried away In the moment and have no idea what they are saying or doing.

Ref should have given the club a chance to sort it though.
Sounds like the ref had a tantrum himself there. Its part of the game and some insults are amusing. There is often a chant of the referees a ..... can you imagine how many matches in the country would be abandoned if you left because of abuse
"The referees a ... "

I love those chants! Shows your doing your job right!
Sounds like the ref had a tantrum himself there. Its part of the game and some insults are amusing. There is often a chant of the referees a ..... can you imagine how many matches in the country would be abandoned if you left because of abuse
So that makes it ok to abuse a fellow referee?