The Ref Stop

Should I have sent this kid off?

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Politically Incorrect
OA game Sunday, Red v Blue.

40 minutes in, 0-0, red midfielder plays over the top through ball to red striker, who takes a poor touch and allows blue defender in to shield the ball.

While blue controls the ball, red is trying to get round and it starts to get more physical.

Watching intently and just waiting for the foul from red....oosh, there it goes and blue on floor.

Immediately blow whistle and signal blue fk, red player (clearly frustrated at loosing ball initially) has a bit of a tet-a-tet with blue defender, finishing with Red saying in a mildly aggressive manor 'you certainly went down easy there you f'in faggot'.

No reaction from blue, multiple blows on whistle, call across red and give him caution.

I cautioned him because blue didnt appear offended, I didn't feel there was a huge deal of aggression with it and it wasn't overtly loud. No complaints from player himself or anybody else.

Should I have sent him off for OFFINABUS?
The Ref Stop
I know I'll get crucified for saying this but I wouldn't have. I'll only send for S6 if the language is directed towards me or my assistants. "Its a mans game" and they'll hear/say worse than that to each other down the pub. Yellow for me, down as USB subsection UB.(Edit: comments which are overly aggressive towards an opponent or players using offensive gestures to wind up opponents such as the tosser or dickhead gesture I will send for. Ridiculous behaviour). Please don't kill me, public of the Refchat forum! :p
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perhaps people should take a look at this and decide whether you think it applies in the situation described above by Regal

RULES OF THE ASSOCIATION 2014-2015 113 GENERAL BEHAVIOUR 3 (1) A Participant shall at all times act in the best interests of the game and shall not act in any manner which is improper or brings the game into disrepute or use any one, or a combination of, violent conduct, serious foul play, threatening, abusive, indecent or insulting words or behaviour. (2) A breach of Rule E3(1) is an “Aggravated Breach” where it includes a reference, whether express or implied, to any one or more of the following :- ethnic origin, colour, race, nationality, religion or belief, gender, gender reassignment, sexual orientation or disability.

Red card and breach of Rule E3 anyone?
Technically yes, and while thinking logically, you're correct @haywain I feel that people don't use it in the sense that its meant anymore. They use the word as a generic putdown. Might just be an Essex/Southend thing, but I would certainly send off for S6 and report for E3 if there was venom and intent.
perhaps people should take a look at this and decide whether you think it applies in the situation described above by Regal

RULES OF THE ASSOCIATION 2014-2015 113 GENERAL BEHAVIOUR 3 (1) A Participant shall at all times act in the best interests of the game and shall not act in any manner which is improper or brings the game into disrepute or use any one, or a combination of, violent conduct, serious foul play, threatening, abusive, indecent or insulting words or behaviour. (2) A breach of Rule E3(1) is an “Aggravated Breach” where it includes a reference, whether express or implied, to any one or more of the following :- ethnic origin, colour, race, nationality, religion or belief, gender, gender reassignment, sexual orientation or disability.

Red card and breach of Rule E3 anyone?

Are you saying you would have sent off then Haywain?
i think we've had this thread already, Regal

to answer your question, i won't know unless it happens in one of my games
We do indeed.

We use another French phrase that sticks in my mind too... Ménage-et-trois :oops::oops:

Ménage à trois yes I know about that one, I'm surprised about the tête à tête

Although in this case we would say "tête contre tête" litteraly head against head. Tête à tête would be used to discribe an intimate lunch between two person "Ils vont dîner en tête à tête" , anyway, enough with the french lesson :p
There was a thread about this recently.....
I have two thoughts on this:

1) As a society, we need to stop 'accepting' homophobic insults as just a normal way to insult somebody - and this needs to start at school age.

2)But, we're not there yet, and I don't think it's the place of a referee to go on a one man social crusade. So personally I don't think that word would be an automatic red for me - definite caution though. Doesn't sound like his manner was aggro enough for a red either.
Hardly a one man social crusade, capn, referees have the guidelines and the capacity to deal with it through the laws and rules governing football.

if you're happy to accept homophobic comments, that's your perogative....but your argument is poor, imho
In all honesty ... This is Sunday league football, by what you say there were no real venom in the snipe ... You could argue that '****ing faggot' is aggressive though ... His sworn and used the full extent of the word, for me it'd possibly be a red where as 'oh get up you fag' would be a caution, no swearing involved and using the slang alternative also takes the venom out of it
Ménage à trois yes I know about that one, I'm surprised about the tête à tête

Although in this case we would say "tête contre tête" litteraly head against head. Tête à tête would be used to discribe an intimate lunch between two person "Ils vont dîner en tête à tête" , anyway, enough with the french lesson :p
In English it can be used in the way you describe or, more often, to describe a private conversation between two people - "come here number 9, you and I need to have a little tête à tête about your attitude to authority". Regal is expanding the use but that is the beauty of the flexibility of English - it has a certain je ne sais quoi...
Any language that's deemed 'abusive' then the player MUST be dismissed. Venom or aggression does not come into it. I've sent two players off for abusive language not aimed at me in differing situations. One was a guy 5 yards away from a CAR who said he was a cheating ***** and the other was a player shouting at the opposition manager from across the pitch 'shut up ****er' when said manager was calling for a caution.

In both circumstances no real venom but the language used was abusive so made it easy
Regal, just wondering what it was that you actually cautioned the player for in your o/p?
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