The Ref Stop

Sheffield Utd v Plymouth

The Ref Stop
Non handball???!!!!

Anyone see it?

Shot from 20 yards away (at least) Plymouth player puts both hands above head, ball hits both hands/arms - no handball, even AFTER VAR review?

Not my teams, no fan interest and not posted to have a pop at officials, but really for my own peace of mind/interpretation of the handball law - that WAS a mistake by both on field officials AND at Stockley Park - yes?

Handball every day of the week.

Arms in unnatural position.

Shot from distance.

Unfortunately, I'm sure I'd still have to sell it at grassroots...
Explanation for the decision. We are all referees, surely we all accept that there is an 'explanation' for every decision - especially when its the same one, made by two VERY experienced top level referees. Not saying we have to always agree, but before coming on here I had no clue as to why it could be possibly not be given as a handball.
Explanation for the decision. We are all referees, surely we all accept that there is an 'explanation' for every decision - especially when its the same one, made by two VERY experienced top level referees. Not saying we have to always agree, but before coming on here I had no clue as to why it could be possibly not be given as a handball.
I'm sorry - what is the explanation? On what bit of the body did the ball hit the man?
The new handball law has caused confusion, I think because the law says the line is the bottom of the armpit but the diagram used to explain this appears to show a person with a very low armpit.
The explanation is as per Blovee's post - you don't have to agree, but that is the reason for the decision.
Not my explanation. Rusty has offered " they thought it hit the arm above the armpit level" and "it wasn't an offence because it had hit him high on the arm".

Even if it hit him "high on the arm" (which really seems a nonsense from the clips) that would mean a defender could stand in a wall with both arms raised and if the ball hit him on the six inches of arm in the "green zone" it would not be a penalty. Utter madness.
and if the ball hit him on the six inches of arm in the "green zone" it would not be a penalty. Utter madness.
It may be madness, but that is the current state of the Law--the arm isn't the arm until it gets past where it is level with the arm pit.

(Anyone else pondering Dickens?)
It may be madness, but that is the current state of the Law--the arm isn't the arm until it gets past where it is level with the arm pit.

(Anyone else pondering Dickens?)
But again, who the hell has armpits that end at the elbow? 🤣
The new handball law has caused confusion, I think because the law says the line is the bottom of the armpit but the diagram used to explain this appears to show a person with a very low armpit.
If by "low armpit" you mean the green zone is bigger than what it should be in the diagram I agree. This problem is exacerbated by the EPL making the green zone even bigger in game situations.

Another problem is that the diagram is not very useful as in it shows the green zone in only one arm position which really would never be handball because it is in a natural position. We need additional diagrams, at least two more, one for when the hand is horizontal as a continuation of the shoulder line, and another when its vertical held above shoulder.
Why did the VAR audio for this get played, out of interest? Was it a technical glitch or some form of trial?

At a guess I would use the acronym us technology professionals use when people try to blame the tech for their own shortcomings ...

... PICNIC - problem in chair not in computer

Loosely translated, someone has pressed the wrong button ... :)
Why did the VAR audio for this get played, out of interest? Was it a technical glitch or some form of trial?
I wish they would release more of these audio--they are very informative as to how the process really works. (In the US, they do release a fair amount as part of the weekly review of VR.)