The comment was that there was no requirement to proceed with the kick in the scenario set out in the original post. I countered that with a direct quote from Law 14.@Brian You are correct in your quote and conclusion however as we all do at times we allow some common sense to prevail over the exact wording of the LOTG (often written for common circumstances only). Consider the scenario of after we signal for the penalty kick to be taken the keeper walks up to the pen taker in anger because apparently he saw/heard something from pen taker he didn't like. Should we stand back and "allows the kick to be taken"? What about after the keeper punches the pen taker in the face?
I am with prevention and as with my earlier post manage it without cards if possible.
With regard to your scenario, you wouldn't proceed with the kick because the goalkeeper hasn't remained on his goal line, facing the kicker, between the goalposts until the ball has been kicked. Also Law 14. MTH