The Ref Stop

Shaking the bar at penalty


Well-Known Member
Seen highlights on a game where a penalty was awarded to blue team. Referee blows whistle to initiate PK but the GK starts jumping up and down and hitting the bar, causing it to shake and vibrate loudly. PK is taken by greens and saved by keeper and play continued.

If I were the ref, I would be inclined to stop the PK and caution keeper for USB or if kick had already been taken and missed, order retake and caution for USB.

Am I right or wrong?
The Ref Stop
As an ex keeper I used to do this amongst other things 9/10 it didn't matter what I did as they'd normally score.

Never been told by a ref in 25 years not to do it, so I think I'd be letting it go.

The pk taker can always wait until he's ready.
As an ex keeper I used to do this amongst other things 9/10 it didn't matter what I did as they'd normally score.

Never been told by a ref in 25 years not to do it, so I think I'd be letting it go.

The pk taker can always wait until he's ready.
In the 1/10 where this made a difference, I'd order a re-take and caution the goalkeeper for USB. Players are to be cautioned for hanging from the goal frame, therefore making it vibrate which may alter the dimensions of the goal requires action on the part of the referee.

The kicker can only wait for so long before he is cautioned for delaying the restart. Which caution would you rather issue?
There is only one reason the keeper would do it IMO and that can be considered unsporting. I would try and manage it without cards if possible. No matter what i would make sure the attacking team is not disadvantaged by it.
Can it be solved by telling the keeper he must remain ON the line until the ball is kicked? Unless they're 7' tall they won't be touching the bar on the floor.
Keeper is committing an offence - the baulking of the opponent is sufficient here, so if a goal is saved (edited, thanks one) I'd be disallowing it and booking the keeper.
However, if you have the opportunity, be proactive. Stop the PK, have a word with the keeper. Much more amicable approach than ordering a retake after a great save and booking the keeper (because you know how well that would go do, so if we can avoid that it's better to)
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Keeper is committing an offence... so if a goal is scored I'd be disallowing it and booking the keeper.
Why would you disadvantage the pen taker even though its the keeper who committed the offence? Not to mention disallowing the goal is against the LOTG.
Can it be solved by telling the keeper he must remain ON the line until the ball is kicked? Unless they're 7' tall they won't be touching the bar on the floor.
The LOTG does not require the keeper to be on the ground for the Pen. He can be jumping, just not unsporting. Hitting the bar is intended to put the kicker off. USB. Manage before the kick and no card needed.
I wouldn't allow the PK to be taken while the GK is committing this USB, i would ask the GK to stop or will be cautioned... Then i would allow the PK to be taken.....
I wouldn't allow the PK to be taken while the GK is committing this USB, i would ask the GK to stop or will be cautioned... Then i would allow the PK to be taken.....
The correct procedure it to allow the kick to proceed and base your actions on the outcome
I'd rather see proactive refereeing myself. Prevent problems from arising is better, where possible, than allowing a controversial situation to occur. And there's no requirement to allow the kick, IMO
Law 14
Infringements and Sanctions

If the referee gives the signal for a penalty kick to be taken and, before the ball is in play, one of the following occurs:

...the goalkeeper infringes the Laws of the Game:
• the referee allows the kick to be taken
• if the ball enters the goal, a goal is awarded
• if the ball does not enter the goal, the kick is retaken

There is a requirement to allow the kick to proceed
@Brian You are correct in your quote and conclusion however as we all do at times we allow some common sense to prevail over the exact wording of the LOTG (often written for common circumstances only). Consider the scenario of after we signal for the penalty kick to be taken the keeper walks up to the pen taker in anger because apparently he saw/heard something from pen taker he didn't like. Should we stand back and "allows the kick to be taken"? What about after the keeper punches the pen taker in the face? :)

I am with prevention and as with my earlier post manage it without cards if possible.