Retaliation, why?


Well-Known Member
My game this morning was reasonably feisty - 6 yellows plus a red - but one incident really made me think 'what?'
Yellow were 2 - 0 up, stripes had got back to level. Stripes only had one sub, who had come on to replace a player with a pulled hamstring but gone off injured a minute later! Yellow had had a player sent off for dogso, so 10 v 10.
A stripe player then ran into the yellow half towards the defence but was tripped from behind by a midfielder before another defender could bring him down and risk the same fate. However, another stripe took the ball on, so I shouted for the advantage and told the player "6, I'm coming back for that one!" The stripes 8 then shouted "you've got to book him for that!" so I shouted back "I will when it's out of play!"
The advantage progressed and only a great save plus good defending stopped it being the perfect advantage, before the ball was cleared and yellow started to attack. As the ball crossed half way the stripes 8 tripped the player with the ball before running towards me shouting "that's your fault! You should have booked him!" I'd already called both 6 & 8 to me to caution them as he was coming in.
He carried on saying "you should have booked him!", even though I kept telling him "I said I was going to, but I was playing advantage and you almost scored." He actually said that he'd heard me call that and knew they'd almost scored but he'd wanted the play stopped and the player booked straight away. The free kick would have been inside the centre circle so not a shooting opportunity.
I went from thinking "what a great advantage!" to "why do we bother!" in a few seconds.
The yellow 6 took his caution with no problems, telling me "I had to bring him down. I didn't want him running at the defence." but the 8's attitude was really hard to work out.
Apart from that he was a really nice guy, calming the rest of his team down when needed and really helping me even though he wasn't the captain. Basically he had a mad five minutes because I didn't stop play so got himself a really cheap caution.
A&H International
When the red mist falls, all reason and logic disappears. Advantage does seem to be a concept players struggle with.

Played as stonker of one on the half way line that led to a goal. Was expecting some congratulations from centre forward, but all I got was a mouthful about it being a foul and why didn't I do anything about it. Me yelling advantage and giving my best waiter impression was clearly not good enough and evidently neither was scoring a goal.
Similar on Saturday centre back who was the manager shouting for foul and free kick at half way line, going ape crap, I had played advantage ball hit back of the net...walking out to centre circle and feeling slightly smug, CB sticks his thumb up and says well played ref...to which I replied "thanks, I do now what I am doing". At end of the game he congratulated me again, I said you are lucky I didn't come back for a caution for you he said nope learned my lesson!
Sounds like a fantastic advantage @markref so well done. Can't see what else you could have done, there's a guidance that advantage is dependent on the skill of the players and the position of the ball, so perhaps advantage around the halfway line may not work a lot on park football.

The end doesn't always justify the means, and if this was a heated game and a few had already gone in the book that maybe you'd choose not to apply any advantage. But that said, no need to argue it after the event.

If a player chooses to talk himself into a caution because you played an advantage for his team that almost resulted in a goal, good luck to him. There is no helping some people.
Sounds like a fantastic advantage @markref so well done. Can't see what else you could have done, there's a guidance that advantage is dependent on the skill of the players and the position of the ball, so perhaps advantage around the halfway line may not work a lot on park football.

The end doesn't always justify the means, and if this was a heated game and a few had already gone in the book that maybe you'd choose not to apply any advantage. But that said, no need to argue it after the event..
Sorry, feel I should explain why I played an advantage in that position:
The players are actually a reasonable standard for sunday league football - the stripes 8 is the best player for quite a good supply league team and most of both teams play county league or supply league football - so they do usually know what they're doing, although their attitude isn't always right. The reason for playing the advantage was that there was a really high line so as soon as the player was past the defence he was in a foot race with the defenders and one on one with the keeper. It looked like a really good goal scoring opportunity. I would normally be wary of playing advantage in that position, but it almost worked perfectly and there shouldn't have been any risk if not for the actions of one idiot. I was always coming back for the caution for the midfielder and told both players that so it shouldn't have been a surprise to anyone. The resulting foul by the 8 was actually the catalyst for a lot of the issues because I had to work a lot harder after that. There was one yellow, one red before this incident and five yellows during / after.
When I told the player "I played advantage and you almost scored from it. Then I was coming back for the caution" the player actually said "I know, but I just couldn't help myself!"
You're right, there really is no helping some people.